View Full Version : More than a tough day please help me :(

04-09-13, 09:58
I have a doctor app on Monday to talk to my GP but I'm struggling so much at the moment - I have horrible black floaters in my eyes that have appeared from nowhere :( also dizziness here are there but my previous symptoms I've written them all down to take to my doctor:

Buzzing foot
Tingly arms or heavy on the verge of pins and needles
Black floaters
Burning skin
Neck pain
Numb toe
Knee joint pain

All of these point to MS to me and to google - I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm mad - I am having these symptoms and they are driving me crazy with anxiety, I've had them on and off and not all at once for a year now, I've had a clear MRI but that was in jan/feb so it could of changed right?

I'm so scared I have MS :(

04-09-13, 12:20
hi Gee, Im so sorry to hear youre struggling so much, I can totally relate. Although it seems far away its not long til Monday and Im sure that your gp will be able to put your mind at rest.

I hope you dont think Im being condescending, Im not and I only wish I could take my own advice. Just know that youre not alone with these thoughts. I hope that you get things sorted soon, take care.

Female healthanxiety
04-09-13, 12:41
Hello Gee -

sorry you are going through this.

I too have all of your symptoms; buzzing feet and hands, floaters, such bad muscle spasms and also my shoulders, neck and head are always stiff and sore... to the point I have continueos dizziness.

I have had many tests - and they have found nothing....

Have you had your Vitamin D levels checked - just asking because when I visited the DRs a year ago with these MS symptoms - She straightaway asked me to have my Vitamin D levels checked and I was defficient - I had to take them for 6 months

04-09-13, 16:57
Had mine looked at and they are a bit low apparently but the neurologist said they weren't that low and that everyone's are low because we never get enough sun, prob is I know low vit D is related to MS so that panicked me even more!!

It's the only thing on my brain - I'd take ANY other illness right now :(

---------- Post added at 15:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:56 ----------

Have you had an MRI for yours?

Female healthanxiety
04-09-13, 17:05
Hello Gee,

I do not think that there is ANY relation to Vitamin D deficiency and MS!

My levels are back to normal now and I do not ever need to take them.

U say that most people in this country have are probably Vitamin D deficient - that would mean we are all going to have MS.....

I am not a DR, but if it was me - I would buy myself some, as you can get them and they are vitamins not medication and see how I went ;-)

I know how you feel hun - it stops you from doing so much don't it.

I have only ever had 1 MRI on my head (as I had a HA of my brain 6/7 years ago) and my DR did not want to wate the money, and of course it was fine!!

I have however had a CT scan on my head in March this year on my head, and again all was fine.

I take it you have had a blood test then, if your DR advised you on levels - was everything else ok?


04-09-13, 17:13
I had a private full body health check in Harley street - all ok apart from that being a bit low and my cholestorol a little tiny but high, had a lymes disease test because I was convinced it was that for a while and had a MRI on my brain in jan/feb which was ok - I still don't feel convinced :( I've seen people say on here MS isn't always picked up by an MRI which scared me because I thought that was the definitive test!! ?

I'm just so confused and ill - I was totally fine a year ago not a tiny problem and not anxious about anything then bouts of dizziness started it all made me extremely anxious and the symptoms seem to just keep on coming! One after the other :(

My mum thinks I'm mental and means to be caring but treats me like a leper of the family - she wants me to go for CBT or nlp as soon as possible she won't even hear about my symptoms - it's only anxiety to her


Female healthanxiety
04-09-13, 17:19
I understand you completely.

You seem to appear extrodinarily healthy. There would be certain abnormalities within your blood if you had MS, and there would have been a need to do more investigations if that was the case - but its NOT.

I really don't know where you read that MS was missed on the scan - that was probably a rarety and quite frankly, these things just do not happen every day.

You are confusing yourself hunni, and we all do with HA.

What has changed in your life since last year - as you mentioned that you was completely fine then?

I get continuos dizziness, I am getting it now - even my eyes feel like they are going to roll - and I get scared to even walk to the toilet at work.

CBT IS great - I have tried it....


04-09-13, 17:20
The amount of times Ive hear that one 'ITS ONLY ANXIETY', my hubbie even says it, doesnt understand at all but I suppose if youve never suffered with it then it is hard to understand. Im really trying to take some comfort from the fact that lots of people on here understand how I feel. Its really hard and I still feel very alone with my feelings but trying to grab on to anything that may bring me some respite from this awful condition.

Im thinking of you and wishing you well xxx

04-09-13, 17:24
I know I should think logically and a member of my family was diagnosed with MS just over a year go - a second cousin I think she is and I watched another fairly distant relative slowly die of it - so I know they are triggers but its just so hard to accept - and how stupid is this I find clues every where or what I think are signs I was abroad and all number plates start with Ms!! :(

Female healthanxiety
04-09-13, 17:30
PM if you need to talk anytime xxxx

I do understand what your going through


---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ----------

Pm me hun x

04-09-13, 17:30
Thanks hunni xxx