View Full Version : kids gone back to school. all mixed emotions but not happy:(

04-09-13, 12:22
as soon as i got up this morning & all through work i was anxious,jittery,sad all mixed emotions but not happy. i didn,t want my kids going back to school i miss them i want them here with me. i rushed home just after 8am to take them to school with my mum. . im so worried,anxious. upon a catch even panicky i realy hope there ok. & i won,t see them till i get back from my other job at 6pm. i could do with a good sleep but here i am worring & my minds everywere.

04-09-13, 14:43
Kids going back is great - I can get some work done and they're happy because they get to see all their friends.

Absolutely no point in worrying about this.

04-09-13, 16:10
I can completely sympathise. My eldest started school and I've desperately missed them all day, big hugs.

04-09-13, 19:44
Hi fruity well well, look there is a point to your worrying but I think your more sad than worried. It is weired when they return to school and despite most of us parents yelling and wanting them back at school , once they do return a feeling of emptiness ensues.

I think this is the feeling that's making u feel panicky. I threaded on here in a related post to my daughters first day bad experience at secondary school. Our kids are important and I think most parents worry to some degree or even feel a bit sad they've gone back.

Takecare Hun x

04-09-13, 20:51
thank you so much for your replies.