View Full Version : Hi - Anyone from Welwyn Garden City?

04-09-13, 13:38
From reading a lot of other peoples posts, it seems that we have all gone through similar and tried plenty of different therapies and spent plenty of money in the long run, but still do not feel any further on!

I have suffered anxiety / panic for about 10 years. It started off that I would become extremely anxious when going anywhere socially or visiting shops etc. however my last episode (about 2 years ago) has made me feel so frightened of driving anywhere that I am finding it extremely difficult to fight it. I have tried many therapies and read up on so much, I have changed my diet and cut out the caffine, but I am still so fearful that I am going to have a bad episode if I put myself out of my comfort zone and start doing.

Would be really nice to speak to other people who suffer anxiety. I love my family and friends to bits, but unless you have experienced this, it is very hard to understand and even know how to help.

06-09-13, 08:53
Hello and Welcome.

Am sorry am not from your area but there is a chatroom here which I find great.
Hope you find some help and support here.