View Full Version : Tearful :-(

harrys mummy
04-09-13, 17:20
Im feeling very terful this evening, started with a really positive day determined I wouldnt keep checking my boob lump to see how red it was or if it was better or worse but ive failed!

It keeps feeling sore and stingy now too, I desperately want my appointment for the breast clinic to come through but at the same time im terrified of what they will say.

Sorry to go on about my boob again im just really struggling tonight x

04-09-13, 20:01
Im sorry youre having a bad evening. I hope you dont have to wait too long for your appointment, I feel that the waiting is the worst bit. No need for apologies, I think I win first prize for starting so many threads basically about the same thing xxx

harrys mummy
04-09-13, 20:28
Bless ya hun we're all in the same boat, i say start as many threads and jibber as much as you like or you can always pm me if you want a chat or off load x

Waiting sucks

I think we all need to marry doctors! Can you imagine it...... x