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23-10-06, 17:06
Hi my name is Bubba
Can anyone please help me? How do i control my panic attacks? Life is not worth living at present

23-10-06, 17:16
Hi bubba and welcome.sorry to hear your so down,there is lots of help on the forum,lots to read,and lots of people to give you advise.Your not alone ,we are all here for similar things so we know how you feel.
Things can get better pet.;)

Ellen XX

23-10-06, 17:19
Do you suffer from panic attacks:(

23-10-06, 17:19
Yes I do,for about 10-12 years now.also anxiety and depression.:(

Ellen XX

23-10-06, 17:20
How do you control you symtoms?

23-10-06, 17:26
I just try and relax,do relaxed breathing.Someone is usually around me and they reasure me.I always keep a brown paper bag near by to breath into and this helps me regulate my breathing.When Iv calmed down a bit I then listen to a relaxation tape,so Im listening to what there telling me and take my mind of what Im thinking.

Ellen XX

23-10-06, 17:28
So far i haven't needed a bag to breath in. But that is one of my fears that i wont beable to breath. And this brings on a attack.

23-10-06, 17:38
Hi Bubba,

Like Ellen says Breathing and relaxing can help, also distraction is a effective and good technique. If you can distract yourself for at least 3 minutes the symptoms usually reduce.
For e.g Try doing sums in your head, sing a song, count colours in the room where you are. that way the attention is taken from your body and doing something else.

Hope you feel better soon,



23-10-06, 19:32

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have you read all the help/advice on the website - www.nomorepanic.co.uk

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


29-10-06, 14:42
Hello Bubba
Sorry to hear these things
we try our best but by accident I found out something interesting
and this made me cheer up no end I smilled and thought
at last Good news - this seemed to work for me
my panic attack was out to get me and I attacked it back !

please see my 2 posts, my attacks, it may help, if they do I wish you

but heres a thought we in this news group are learning how to take good care of our bodies - we are moving forward and we are getting better think of all the people eating greasy fat junk food and caffine, dont you feel sad for them ?