View Full Version : travel sickness in children. remedies?

04-09-13, 17:37

I'd like to take my nephews further in the car, but id struggle to deal with them if they were sick,

They are 3,5 & 7 so all in the back of our small 3door car so if they had an accident id be in the front & not able to do much & im not good at all with sickness the eldest is the worst, he is squashed in the back between his brothers car seats, so it can be pretty hot,

They walk every where never really uses buses & dont have a car so the 40 minute/22 mile each way journey could be pretty tough,

My sister wouldnt want them taking a pill/tablet as for safety they know only mammy can use tablets they get liquid Medicines. Plus I dont think they could swallow a tablet,

I've looked into travel bands but think they just mess around with them

Any advice?


04-09-13, 17:46
Do they all usually suffer with travel sickness or are you preparing for the worst? Most children are fine with travelling. From my experience of taking classes of children on school trips I have maybe had one out of 20 who has suffered sickness. The best thing to be prepared is a strong plastic bag or bucket. My Mum used to advise sucking barley sugar..not sure if it works.

04-09-13, 22:15
Thank you

I have found some fruit tablets for kids

Yeah the eldest does, the other two have never traveled that far my sister also has mental health problems so they don't go out often, that's why we'd love to take them to this play land

& yeah id struggle to clean any accidents up, and I worry about my health catching germs. I dont think hubby would wanna clean up although he's not worried hes never even changed a nappy without gagging

05-09-13, 09:02
My younger sister suffers from travel sickness, but she seems to handle it much better if she has a window open and the car is cool. Also, be sure to take corners slowly.

05-09-13, 23:54
Thank you

05-09-13, 23:57
I was known for having terrible travel sickness as a kid, but looking back it was only when we (regularly) visited my grandparents. (I was terrified of Grandpa, who had dementia).

You may find it isn't even an issue. It could be that they are reacting to/picking up on your sister's anxiety when they travel with her. Certainly, don't talk about it to them. Focus them on the exciting things ahead and get them thinking and talking about that.

06-09-13, 02:45
Sit them on news paper, it prevents the static that builds up in the seat. I've used this many times on school trips & it never fails.