View Full Version : why do i keep thinking

04-09-13, 19:57
why do i keep thinking i might get a random panic atack or anxious feelings? am i scared of the feelings and how do i shut them up for good?

04-09-13, 21:34
I don't think it's about shutting them up for good. It's about accepting your thoughts and feelings so that they don't make you afraid anymore. Then you will be less anxious and not care as much if the thoughts occur. It's the only way to calm your thoughts eventually. Accept them for the moment because you are uptight. When you are relaxed then you'll find they happen less and less.

04-09-13, 21:46
Am the same my mind never shuts up :(

04-09-13, 21:53
i think it's called general anxiety or GAD or something?

04-09-13, 22:25
Kenneth as you're quite new, have you read all the info on the left? Especially problems/issues. Im guessing you've only just realised you've had it, you've only just got it or you're quite young?

05-09-13, 07:45
Kenneth as you're quite new, have you read all the info on the left? Especially problems/issues. Im guessing you've only just realised you've had it, you've only just got it or you're quite young?

well i've had it for two years, but i can see it's gradually gettig worse for some reason, so i realt want to be able to atleast control it

05-09-13, 15:07
Have you read the info? I read it even as a seasoned sufferer and found it very wise :) If you're getting worse, you're on the road to recovery.

05-09-13, 16:31
Have you read the info? I read it even as a seasoned sufferer and found it very wise :) If you're getting worse, you're on the road to recovery.

hopefully, but what info? and how do you know i'm on the road to recovery?

05-09-13, 19:07
Because you have come to recognise your problems and by recognising them you can begin to find the best treatment for you.

hopefully, but what info?
If you scroll to the top of the page and look at the left, there are some links. Try clicking on Panic Attacks and Anxiety, also the self help section and any thing else that applies to you. Apologies if you've already seen them.