View Full Version : pain in chest

04-09-13, 20:42
hi there everybody i wonder if somebody out there can let me know whats going on with me, i have been ovreating since my mum dies christmas 2012, we were never really close, but i tried but it didnt happen,a i have been under a considerable amount of stress, regarding family members, and finacial worries, about a month ago i started getting pains in my chest, i suffer fron ibs all my life that has flared up,i have noises all the time in my bloated stomach, burping alot and a feeling something is stuck in my throat, i have been to the doctors last week and he gave me gaviscon and sent me for a ecg, at our local clinic, the nure said it looked alright but would send it too the hospital to be checked, i felt a bit reassured, but the last few days i have been feeling really down worrying about everything and ringing the doctor for an appointment, and knowing the receptionist dont like me, i feel like a freak i dont know what to eat, as i am starving, and i feel so under the weather. do you think it could be the shock coming out, about my mum or am i really ill igo to the toilet three times every morning i am waiting for counselling i am on the waiting list. any thoughts would be appreciated. thanks :)

04-09-13, 21:00
i don't know what it is, but do you feel edgy most of the time , or anxious ?

04-09-13, 21:03
Hi there

Tight chest, inability to swallow and ibs could all be part of anxiety? I must stress that I'm not a doctor or a medical person. It's just everything you described is similar to how my body reacts to anxiety and panic. I would continue with whatever tests that you are having and when ( be positive)everything comes back clear, perhaps have a look at ways of dealing with anxiety. I thought there was something stuck in my throat, and felt like this for three weeks!!! Went to the doctor and when he asked if I was stressed, I rudely left his office :) feeling like the guy shouldn't have passed his medical exams!!! Went back to a doctor a week later explaining I had something lodged in my throat and insisted I was prescribed an antibiotic.. The was nothing in my throat only anxiety, hope this makes sense? After getting told it was anxiety I started to worry if they had really missed something and a vicious circle developed when I became more anxious about my health, for example, today I have a pain in my left arm and as I type I have convinced myself this is the onset of a heart attack, so have spent the day reading up on heart attack symptoms and I'm glad to report that haven't had one (yet). Anxiety, stress and panic has presented in many ways with my body, I think I am trying to learn that not every ache and pain is life threatening. ( I suffer from health anxiety and smoke) now where is the sense in that? I really do hope these tests reassure you that all is fine. Take care xxx

04-09-13, 21:14
i think that it is general anxiety, do you know what triggers these pains or anxious feelings? like if you think about it too much or ponder about it all day ? :p