View Full Version : just know I have advanced cervical cancer :(

04-09-13, 21:00
Hi everyone.
I'm extremely panicking now, more than ever before
. I have all the symptoms of advanced cervical cancer
Back pain, pelvic pain, extremely tender legs, pain near kidney areas but no infection, bowel changes etc.

I'm only 22 so I have never had a smear
The only thing I haven't had is unusual bleeding
Im in a terrified state, it's so advanced and I'm going to die soon. Sobbing here...

04-09-13, 21:19
Hi there, we've all convinced ourselves at one time or another that we have the worst possible diagnosis!! Your symptoms could be so many other things, possibly menstrual in origin. Please go to the doctor and explain your symptoms and they will be able to put your mind at rest. More often than not it is something very simple and treatable, so please don't torture yourself :hugs:

04-09-13, 21:41
Have you had any change in menstrual cycle or really heavy bleeding or bleeding on between periods? X

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:40 ----------

Also how long this been going on for x

04-09-13, 21:53
If you are that worried you need a private smear test.... the symptoms you suggest could be anything.. see your gp and explain to him or her your worries.
hope everything is ok as im sure it will be

04-09-13, 22:10
The only change has been one was a week late and the next a week early. No heavy bleeding anything like that. The lower body pain has been going on since Friday. I also have upper body pain but.that has been going on months.

The pain in my back.and sides and stomach were so bad I went to A.and.E. All my obs were fine and they wouldn't do.bloods because of this. He said because the pains were not localised he said he didnt know what it.was. He offered fibromyalgia as an explanation but I am in pure agony, there must be.more to it :(

05-09-13, 07:25

If you haven't had any unusual bleeding that I would say the chances of you having advanced cervical cancer are probably nil.

Bleeding is the most common symptom not all the others you are having.

If you read back on some of my previous posts you will see that I thought I had cervical cancer many times, but that was due to irregular bleeding, pain, bleeding after intercourse etc.

Anyway I didn't have it, had a biopsy and I had a polyp so even with the most obvious symptoms it doesn't always mean that's what it is.

Do as another post suggested and visit your doctor for reassurance but I honestly don't think cervical cancer will even be on your doctors mind.

Take Care

05-09-13, 09:36
Agreed - the chances of you having cervical cancer (let alone advanced) with no unusual bleeding and at your age are practically zero.