View Full Version : Thought this was just a blip

05-09-13, 07:10
So I am on day 4 of what I had hoped was just a blip. Had a grand total of 30mins sleep last night and now feel shocking. Tried all the tips I usually give out to other people but nothing has worked. I have no idea why this is happening to me again. Lucky I am off work this week but am going to London for the weekend and then Paris. Was so looking forward to it but worried I won't feel up for it. I know worry wont do any good but I can't shake myself out if this.

05-09-13, 08:23
Sorry to hear you feel like this. I have a week away starting on Sat = often in the past I have decided not to go due to anxiety. This time I have decided to take a risk. My family know all about my anxiety and will understand if I'm not myself at any time. I have my medication plus a few sleeping pills, CBT thinking and a notebook because it helps me to write if anxious. I don't know how it will work out but what I do know is I won't beat myself up if it's not great, like I learnt not to beat myself up when I chose not to go on trips - they are really not important to me in the great scheme of things.
If you go, I think it's important to be open minded about how much you will get out of it. Don't put pressure on yourself, don't judge yourself, you'll be doing your best however it turns out.
Good luck

05-09-13, 08:28
I'm in the same position as you Darbysa.
It's been 4 days of broken/no sleep and I don't feel like myself anymore.
I have called in sick and don't know what to do.

05-09-13, 08:47
Thank you Cokesmyth
I don't think there's any question of me not going so I'll just have to hope I pick up. I like your suggestion of a note book. I used to do that years ago and it did help so I will get the pen and paper out!

I feel for you. It's awful. If you're like me you will feel guilty for calling in sick which only makes things worse so try not to go down that road. I wish I could give you some good advice but just know that you're not alone. I don't know what to do either.
Sal x