View Full Version : severe body pain.

05-09-13, 07:44
Hi everyone.
Ive had bad upper body pain for a while now. Chest pains,.very tender to touch etc. However the pain is getting worse and is now in my lower back, sides and legs and arms.

The bottom of my legs feel tight and crampy, flexing my foot causes great pain. The top of my thighs are so tender I cant lean my arms against them.

Touching my thighs, parts of my back and side make me jump out of my skin in agony. I still have exytemely tender upper body pain. Im in daily agony, I cry daily. Ive seen loads of doctors they brush me off with anxiety. My family are finding it hard to cope with,.they dont understand why Im still worrying after a doctor told me there's nothing wrong. But day in, day out im in severe pain. Im convinced I have an advanced cancer eating away at me. Or im.going to have a tonne of blood clots or organ failure because I have a tender stomach.

Im waiting for something bad to happen its killing me
.could this really be anxiety pain?.its debilitating

05-09-13, 08:51
Heya Roxy,

The first option is, of course, that is it just due to anxiety. Anxiety causes muscle tension, and severe anxiety can mean that our muscles do become to tense that they are in agony. This is not uncommon. Sometimes with anxiety your nervous system can also become very sensitive. In this instance, your nerves are over-reactive and can magnify pain by registering every touch as something harmful, even though it isn't. I know it is very debilitating, and it really is agony despite what other people may think. I know people who have suffered from anxiety induced pain myself so badly that they've been bedridden, and I'm sure many other people here have as well.

I second option, however, is something called Fibromyalgia. Before I tell you anything else about this, let me tell you that it is NOT life-threatening or dangerous. Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterised by widespread pain, particularly in response to pressure or touch. There is no formal diagnosis for Fibromyalgia though, and many doctors won't consider it as a diagnosis. The basis for diagnosing Fibromyalgia is prettymuch ruling out every other possible cause for the pain and associated symptoms until all that is left is the option of Fibromyalgia, and seeing whether particular 'pressure points' in the body have a heightened response to pain. No one really knows if Fibromyalgia has a cause yet, but it does seem to be linked with stress and anxiety.

Either way, if your doctor hasn't found anything of concern, please don't be worried about cancer, blood clots and organ failure. These things have other symptoms that would indicate to them rather than widespread pain. Honestly, the most likely scenario is that it is caused by anxiety. Anxiety can do amazing things to our bodies, not all of them pleasant.

05-09-13, 09:03
Great advice amieekid, just read your blog too - very good.

05-09-13, 13:15
I tend to join - very helpful advice and informative blog.