View Full Version : No sleep again and have called in sick...help!

05-09-13, 08:15
I am exhausted today, this is the 3rd night this week of lack of sleep, I managed 6 hours on Tuesday night.

Last night I took 2 herbal Nytol and managed to fall asleep at 10.30, I then woke up at 12.30am and went to the toilet.
I couldn't get back to sleep after that.

Since then I've been awake, crying and worrying because I knew I had to get up at 6.30am.

I ended up calling in sick because I couldn't handle the thought of going in on so little sleep.
It's only the first week back after the summer holidays (I work in a school) so I, worried they will sack me over this.

What should I do? And why couldn't I get back to sleep earlier? Even though it was still night time.

05-09-13, 08:52
Hi Hun it's me again!
Yes you're right, we are suffering the same. I would have quite liked to have had 2 whole hours! Seriously, I know how bad you are feeling. I don't know why we couldn't sleep. I'm not consciously worrying about anything. I know you are only young and it must be frightening for you to feel like this. Hell, even an old bag like me is scared right now.
Take care
Sal x

05-09-13, 08:56
Yes I am very anxious and scared.

It's a horrible feeling. I am now worried I will get sacked at school.

In the back of my mind I'm worrying but not outwardly as such.

05-09-13, 09:25
Deep slow breaths. I'm reaching out to you through the screen. We can be scared together and know that this will pass. Do you have anyone to talk to about this?

05-09-13, 09:34
I just rang my GP, he has recommended I speak to a therapist.
My family/partner dont understand.

---------- Post added at 09:34 ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 ----------

I'm dreading work tomorrow, I bet my boss will be angry with me.

05-09-13, 09:47
Hi there, I have this from time to time and I also work in a school and it nearly always happens when I go back to work after a holiday. It is just the pressure of knowing you have to be there seems to create a stress and keeps you awake. I am never concerned or worrying about going back, but I get exactly the same. Do you have a line manager you can talk to and admit you are having a difficult time ? x

05-09-13, 10:41
Most school staff are the same before the new term. But three nights is a lot... Are there any new pressures on you this year? New Head? Change of kids you work with?

05-09-13, 10:45
Most school staff are the same before the new term. But three nights is a lot... Are there any new pressures on you this year? New Head? Change of kids you work with?

Yes there is a new head, I'm in a new classroom with a new teacher and TA, pretty much everything is different.

Yes normal people would probably only have one sleepless night...I, being abnormal and anxious make it worse for myself.

Because its a new head I'm worried that I will get in trouble for taking today off. I said I had an upset stomach most of the night and therefore wanted to stay at home for today and see how it goes.
:( can they sack me for this?

---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 ----------

Hi there, I have this from time to time and I also work in a school and it nearly always happens when I go back to work after a holiday. It is just the pressure of knowing you have to be there seems to create a stress and keeps you awake. I am never concerned or worrying about going back, but I get exactly the same. Do you have a line manager you can talk to and admit you are having a difficult time ? x

No line manager as such :( I don't know if I should tell anybody.

05-09-13, 11:30
You would not get sacked over a one-off absence, but if it became an issue you could get warnings and eventually get sacked. Have you been subject to any disciplinary action so far? Unless you're on a final warning then your job is safe.

But you're right to be seeking help with this, so that it doesn't affect your job in the future. And for your own benefit as well, you deserve to have ways to manage and feel better about stuff.

I'm sure anyone would be nervous about the new term, but when you have anxiety this kind of thing becomes much more than trivial. Therapy is something that can teach you coping mechanisms, so that you can worry less, get a good sleep, and cope better.

Good luck for tomorrow, though I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think.

05-09-13, 11:42
I have noticed from your previous threads that work seems to be a lot of the cause of your anxiety and this will be why you are finding it hard to sleep now the new term has started. I was always the same at the beginning of a new term and I know many of my colleagues would say the same.
I have a sounds pillow with speakers in it and I play relaxing music and concentrate on that instead of going over in my head what I have to do the next day. It does help most of the time. The trouble is the more you worry about not sleeping the worse it gets :(

05-09-13, 12:33
Don't worry about being sacked, unless you are on a trial period it is actually very difficult to sack someone from a school. x

05-09-13, 16:07
I'm not in a trial period as I've been there over a year.

The last day I had off was in May.

---------- Post added at 14:13 ---------- Previous post was at 14:12 ----------

I'm thinking a warm milk and honey
2 herbal Nytol and abit of classic fm tonight?

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:13 ----------

I have noticed from your previous threads that work seems to be a lot of the cause of your anxiety and this will be why you are finding it hard to sleep now the new term has started. I was always the same at the beginning of a new term and I know many of my colleagues would say the same.
I have a sounds pillow with speakers in it and I play relaxing music and concentrate on that instead of going over in my head what I have to do the next day. It does help most of the time. The trouble is the more you worry about not sleeping the worse it gets :(

Work has always been a problem.
In an ideal world, I wouldn't work or I would have my own business so as to dictate my own schedules etc.

Im seriously considering handing in my notice & sorting myself out then applying for another job. Does anybody agree that this is a good idea?

05-09-13, 16:11
It depends if you can afford to do that? I left because it was increasing my anxiety so much. I am now doing a job cleaning for a friend and selling cosmetics door to door. No where near as much money but I am less anxious now. My husband works full time so we are managing okay at the moment but have had to cut back on some things.

05-09-13, 16:31
I agree with Annie. If you're in a position that you can afford to give up work then it's an ideal solution to sorting yourself. I never had that option - I had to work full-time regardless of how I felt. In alot of ways I'm thankful because keeping busy made me confront my fears and kept me in the 'loop' of life. I would have a long hard think before making any drastic decisions. Big hugs. xx

05-09-13, 17:09
Thanks guys.
I'm ever so nervous about going back in tomorrow and facing everyone. People always ask questions :(

This probably won't add to my sleep tonight either! :'( heeelppp

---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 16:53 ----------

Anyone thinks warm milk and honey plus a Nytol will help?

05-09-13, 17:31
Nytol will help. I prefer lavender or chamomile tea or a cup of Horlicks. Milk and honey together upset my stomach.

05-09-13, 17:36
Oh really? It seems ok for me.

I've also found a relaxation video on YouTube so going to play that while I lay in bed.

05-09-13, 18:01
Sounds good. Personally I think leaving if you can is a great idea. I don't have a partner but I still would prefer loss of income over anxiety. Anyway I probably won't have a choice!

There are always people off on the first day of term, it's just one of those things. Heck, I haven't been in since May! LOL :huh:

05-09-13, 18:11
Sounds good. Personally I think leaving if you can is a great idea. I don't have a partner but I still would prefer loss of income over anxiety. Anyway I probably won't have a choice!

There are always people off on the first day of term, it's just one of those things. Heck, I haven't been in since May! LOL :huh:

Are you signed off then? If you don't mind me asking.

I have a partner but we aren't married or living together yet so it's difficult.
I want to have my own business or something similar.

06-09-13, 01:00
Assuming it's a LEA school, or an academy and you were an LEA employee before, being sacked for being off ill isn't going to happen. You have legal entitlements.

If you're worried talk to your union rep, they will know exactly what to do, and where the support is - I dealt with exactly this several times. That's what the union is there for, to support you. If your school doesn't have a rep, contact the regional office and they will help.

My experience, sadly, of talking to line managers is less conducive to confidence...

Good luck, and don't let that anxiety build on the other to stop you sleeping more!

06-09-13, 08:21
Hi girlafraid
Hope you had a better nights sleep. You've not posted so I'm taking that as a good sign.
I managed to sleep last night and consequently feel a bit better. Hoping same for you.
Sal x

06-09-13, 16:42
Hi I woke up a few times but managed to get around 5 hours altogeher so better than 2!

Not as nice as 8 though :-( hoping now the weekend is here I might do better.
Filled in a therapy form, waiting to hear back.

06-09-13, 18:29
I honestly can't remember the last time I had 8 hours sleep! 5 is about average for me.

08-09-13, 22:14
Hi there, hope all is going well for you. You must make up your own mind as far as giving up your job goes because what is right for one person is wrong for another. Talk to family and friends before reaching that decision. I was very lucky to have a really good, confidential line manager at my school, but only you know what the circumstances are where you are. I was off work for 9 months and it wold have been much easier to give up my job, but it was actually the job in the end that helped me recover because in time I would forget symptoms when focussed on the students. But that doesn't mean it will be the same for you, just don't male any rash decisions as we are all individuals. Hope tomorrow goes well x