View Full Version : CRYING!!!

23-10-06, 17:34
Hi im just after some sympathy as some of you may know I have a grandaughter who i havent seen for 2 years and a grandson due next month and my sons partner wont let me or any of his family see either him or the children well last night i found out they are getting married on friday and i cant stop crying im normally a happy person but i cant believe that he can be so stupid i feel like he has died even though i havent seen him for ages this wedding seems so final why oh why cant he see what she is like???

sorry guys just needed to get it all out

luv kaz xxx

23-10-06, 17:52
hi kazzie its a horrible situation your in and will be upsetting its your son and grandchildren,you will be upset.i personnally would keep fighting and go and see them,or maybe her mother.she must understand how you feel she is a grandma too.i know you have said that they wont talk but keep at it ,keep trying to talk.i think it might be a good idea to talk to the daughter in law and get her on her own if poss as she sets the rules.good luck and dont give up.anybody you know going to the wedding relative or friend?can they not have a word?i hope things get better soon tc tracy

23-10-06, 18:07
hi kazzie my brother was exactley like your son,going back several years ago.he was living with a woman who had his son,and turned him against all his family(it was horrible!!!)i know it must be so difficult for you as i seen my how upset my mum was.its as if these women brainwash them!!!!
anyway there is light at the end of the tunnel,and i,m sure that he will soon come to his senses and realise just what she is doing.my brother left his girlfriend a few years ago,and is now married to someone else with who he has a daughter with.i really do hope that your son comes to realise that she is no good,and does what he thinks is right.
sending you lots of hugs
thinking of you
rachel x

23-10-06, 18:21
thanks tam and cee cee for your kind words

tam you cannot talk to them they just wont and her mother wont intervene cos she will then not be allowed to see my grandaughter either the situation is beyond redemption

cee cee thank you for sharing that with me i thought i was the only person it had happened to it gives me a bit of hope hearing your story!!!

take care both of you

love kaz x

Sue K with 5
23-10-06, 18:51
Hi Kazzie

I have a son who is now 19, he has met a girl and this year they had their first baby. I never saw her for the first six weeks of her life and even now it is very much based on how the girlfriend is feeling. I really do understand what it feels like for you. I am certain that at some point as before he wil be given an ultimatum.

She is obviously very insecure and feels very threatened by you and your family and my only suggestion is for you to sit back and wait.

In time your son will soon realise whats happened and I can assure you he will come to you.

Dont lose hope and please dont let this stop your recovery. I always knew I would make a lousy mother in law anyway, but my hope is one day my son and his daughter will be independant enough from her to realise this was not my choice or my fault

Hugs for now



24-10-06, 11:41
Thank you Sue that has given me a bit of hope!!! Im feeling a bit better today no tears yet!!!

thank you all

kaz xxx

24-10-06, 14:35
Hi Kaz

Sorry to hear you're feeling bad. What a horrible situation,

One of my best friends did this when in a negative relationship. He cut out all his family and fell out with his father because of the mother of his children. She was extremely manipulative, but we remained there for him, though at a distance.

He has since split up with the girlfriend and is now able to see his children and his family! :-)

Its a terrible thing for you to go through, especially when you need support yourself. Hang in there, I'm sure it will sort itself out in the end. I know that's not much help right now, but there IS hope.



28-10-06, 19:01
Hi There and thanks for all youre nice replies well he married her so yesterday i cried all day but today i feel better and i have decided screw him!!! He will need me before I need him and nothing will give me more pleasure than to tell him to go **** himself!!!!!

love to you all

kaz xxx