View Full Version : panic im in work arghhhhhh

05-09-13, 14:18
omg worse panic ever, I don't no how I got threw it ,has anyone else ever been in work and had a panic attack ,my head was spinning and spinning ,heart racing felt I was going to be sick ,theres me screaming inside and my work collegues were just carrying on doing there work, I was to scared to ask for help and embarrassed the whole episode has left me feeling frightened ,im scared this might happen again omg :scared15:any advice please

05-09-13, 14:39
I used to go to the toilet or go outside and sit quietly and take some slow breathes until I calmed down.

05-09-13, 14:40
OK....so you got through that panic attack...and nothing happened...so remember IF you have another you will get through that one too!!!

Distract yourself....go and talk to a colleague about anything...you will be fine


05-09-13, 15:10
Thanks guys makes me feel better knowing ive got u for help and support xxxxxxxx

05-09-13, 15:30
I've never had a full blown panic attack before but I have felt highly anixous (like I might panic) when I've been at work. I always followed Nicolas advice - take yourself of somewhere (outside, staff room, toilets.. anywhere) and just sit quietly until the moment passes. It's nothing to be ashamed or embarassed about. It is scary but like Sarah said you got through it and nothing happened. Remember that if it ever happens again. Big hugs. xx

05-09-13, 15:46
I used to have them at work, I'd disappear off by myself until it passed. It's awful having them at work.

05-09-13, 17:13
thanks guys for your advice and kindness lol im back in work tomorrow fingers crossed im ok :)

06-09-13, 12:40
I'm at work now and feeling AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL. Can't focus on my work which makes me feel worse. I just wish this day would be over, but I have 5 more hours. :weep:

06-09-13, 13:24
Thats me aswell dont feel well its like being in hell i finish at five omg

06-09-13, 13:52
Panic seems to have mostly passed but now I feel so tired I can hardly keep my head up! If it's not one thing, it's another eh? If I didn't feel so awful, I'd be laughing at myself, this is ridiculous. :wacko:

06-09-13, 15:49
Panic attacks always make me feel really tired once they pass. I suppose it must take quite a lot of energy.

06-09-13, 17:17
Panic attacks always make me feel really tired once they pass. I suppose it must take quite a lot of energy.

your right I had a panic attack yesterday and I still feel tired and ill today im sooooooo drained :weep:

06-09-13, 21:26
I'm the same. It wears my body right out, then I'm at a high risk of getting more anxiety and panic because I'm so tired but pushing my body to carry on anyway.

10-09-13, 21:27
This may seem real, but it's not a huge issue. I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you. I think you are totally in control.

10-09-13, 21:42
This may seem real, but it's not a huge issue. I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you. I think you are totally in control.

its probabley not but it feels like it at the time ,but you might be right thankyou anyway :D just need to keep telling myself

11-09-13, 10:51
Omg im stuck in work feel awful everyday carnt do this any advice please

10-10-13, 11:17
Omg im in work again feel like im gunna pass out it wont stop dont no what to do its worse than ever i feel so so sick

10-10-13, 11:30
Hi Mrs Stress. can you maybe take an early lunch? or find a quiet space to do some breathing excercises? Sorry that you feel so bad. Hope things improve soon. :hugs:

10-10-13, 12:57
Otter thankyou for your reply feeling abit better but still very anxious thankyou for your advice xx

10-10-13, 13:48
Sorry to hear you had a rough time at work.I have had to head to the toilet a few times to try chill.Its horrible.Good to know today is going a bit better.Hoping the anxs settles soon for you.

10-10-13, 15:22
Greg thankyou for your reply its lovely to no there people like you who can help and support me xx

10-10-13, 16:49
Ive had them every day at work for a week. Today really scared me to the point where.im actually ringing in sick tomorrow! Need to get these sorted! X

10-10-13, 17:18
Hi there, yea I get the occasional panick attack at work. Horrible yes but I just see it through and know that it will pass! If really bad take myself off a smoke and talk myself down......

10-10-13, 18:17
You are very welcome.:)

10-10-13, 21:38
guys I cant thankyou enough it helps to no im not on my own and thank god im off work for a week thankyou again :hugs:

15-10-13, 16:05
This happened to me today. I am now sitting at home on the bed having told my boss I needed to leave. If you haven't already, I would recommend telling at least one person at work. Someone you can grab and chat to when it happens and to assure you you're going to get through it. I find going the toilet is fine but then doesn't help as soon as I get back to my desk, so it's better to talk to someone if you can.

At the same time though I'm in the same situation, guess we just gotta keep at it!

15-10-13, 17:16

I too have panic attacks at work. Mine usually start when I am tired or stressed.
What makes it worse is the fact I know I cant get up and leave. I work in customer service,and always have a queue to deal with.

My manager is aware of my problems - she witnessed me having a bad one a couple of weeks ago !! Up until then, I don't think she realised just how awful they can be.

It definitely helps to go outside for fresh air - I have been known to stand in the rain while I calm down !

Even though I know it will pass,at the time the physical symptoms are truly horrible, and you are then left feeling totally drained as well as embarrassed by the whole thing.

Loreen xx