View Full Version : i feel really awfull

05-09-13, 15:30
up until dec when I came of seroxat for brain surgry I was on it for 13 years and it helped me so much .I have been put on it again 20mg this is my 3rd day and I feel so bad 2 hours sleep shaking SOOO bad anxiety very bad spent most of the day in bed will this go please I need some advice xx

05-09-13, 16:31
Hi susie
Afraid I can't give you any advice as I am more or less in same boat regards lack of sleep and feeling awful. Obviously you've had a lot on your plate and probably good reason to feel like you do so I'm not comparing in any way. I am on seroxat and have been for many years but this week it seems to have stopped working. What I thought was a minor blip is dragging on far longer than ever before. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that while I wish I could help with some good advice all I can do is reassure you you are not alone.
I wish you a speedy recovery

---------- Post added at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

P.s did you have these bad side effects the first time you started it? Maybe comparing that with where you are now will help. I think the general advice is anything from 2 to 6 weeks to kick in. When I started I was on the road to recovery after a week.

05-09-13, 17:43
Unfortunately I don't know the 'norm' for Paroxetine but I have been on 13 days and feel so much better. I'm sure I read this 1 is fast acting.

05-09-13, 17:53
Glad you are feeling better.

05-09-13, 18:03
Thank you Darbysa

05-09-13, 18:06
thank you for your replys I am recovering well after my surgry but I have bad sleep problems and anxiety that's why my gp put me back on seroxat but I know its early days but its been very bad thank you again xx

06-09-13, 13:01
hi darbysha when I started on seroxat 13 years ago I was just drowsy for a few weeks nothing like this had 2 panic attacks last night ,how are you feeling now hope you are better

06-09-13, 14:26
Hi susie
I do feel much better today thanks. I was on 20mg for about 5 years then dropped to 10 for last 2 years as I felt so well. Been great on the 10mg until the last few months when I started getting more blips. Doc said I should go back to 20 but I resisted. That is until yesterday when I decided to give it a go. Don't know if that's why I'm feeling better or whether it's just all in my mind now I've actually taken that step. Or could be I would've recovered anyway. I'll never know now. Can't stand the thought if being back to where I was earlier this week. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
I do hope you will start to feel better soon. You've done really well considering the trauma you've had. Onwards and upwards girl! You will do it.

07-09-13, 18:15
Hi Susie im thinking about going on it again after 18 months off let me know how you get on i was on it 13 years also wish you the best :)