View Full Version : Can't take anymore! Ear problems help!

05-09-13, 15:36
I suffer from real bad health anexity I've as my ears checked so many times along with my head eyes and all my reflexes the doctors can't find anything wrong and aren't worried, but I've got this constant pressure feeling in my ears, like they need to pop? I'm abroad at the moment but get this at home to its really worrying when I bend down my head feels really heavy the doctors said it could be sinus problems and told me to try sinutab but I hate taking tablets unless I'm forced to I also get this weird floating/dizzy/unbalanced sensation I can't really explain it? Can anyone help me? I'm worried its something serious even though if it was I'm sure the doctors would know as I've seen more than 1 about this thanks xxx

---------- Post added at 15:36 ---------- Previous post was at 15:30 ----------

Forgot to mention I've also been getting a blocked nose at the top of my nose if that makes sense? And pressure feeling around my nose under my eyes and behind my eyes xxx

05-09-13, 15:41
If you have had them checked then I would say you have the same problem as me...anxiety :) I thought at first that anxiety couldn't cause all the problems with my ears but after having them checked and my doctor telling me that it was anxiety, I believed him and they didn't bother me so much. It could also be sinus and if you don't like taking tablets then the best thing would be a steam inhalation or alternative hot and cold compresses (10 mins each). I am sure it is nothing serious and either anxiety or sinus (or bit of both). Try to relax and enjoy your holiday :hugs: xx

---------- Post added at 15:41 ---------- Previous post was at 15:40 ----------

From the addition to your post I would say sinus, it can be very painful, try the compresses. x

05-09-13, 15:43
Thanks it's just driving my crazy they feel dead full! And I hate the weird off balance dizzy sensation that I get but that's probs down to me worrying and stressing about it thanks for your help xxx

05-09-13, 15:48
No problem Jenna, please try to enjoy your holiday, you are going to be fine. Extra strong mints help to clear my sinus if you can get any where you are.

05-09-13, 15:52
Yeah ill have a look for some thank you so much xxxxx

05-09-13, 20:37
Hi Jenna, I really feel for you because I've been having similar problems and they are scary. I've learned that muscle tension in my neck & jaw are triggering a lot of these problems (the muscle tension triggers something called vestibular migraine which makes me off balance and causes weird symptoms).

You might look at the idea of muscle tension in your face, often problems with your jaw joint (called TMJ or TMJ disorder) can cause just this kind of trouble. TMJ or migraine can often masquerade as sinus problems, or feel like sinus pain, so it gets misdiagnosed.

If you look up TMJ you will learn a lot more, and you will also learn that stress makes it ten times worse so relaxation techniques daily are essential.

When your balance is off it naturally sparks anxiety in your body and brain, so some of the anxiety will be coming from this and it's not your fault. What you can control is how you react to this anxiety. So if you're having an off balance moment and you start to feel uneasy just remind yourself that it's just your brain reacting to the balance problem and there's no need to let the anxiety take further hold of you. It's hard, but it gets easier believe me.

Look into TMJ and have a think about it, it might match your symptoms and there is plenty of stuff you can do to help yourself. A visit to your dentist can help diagnose it. It was an ENT who officially diagnosed mine, but I suspected a couple of months ago that it was a problem.

06-09-13, 01:19
New to this site and was reading your post,sounds like very similar symptoms I had and the exact same problem getting diagnosed by Gp's
6 months I had these symptoms for until finally I was given vertigo medication for vestibular disorder (inner ear)
Symptoms went within 24hrs of taking the medication,I had to see 5 different docs and had 3 ear exams before this was discovered by ENT doc
I would ask Gp for ENT referral

Hope this helps

06-09-13, 04:20
Hi guys

I have had ongoing ear issues for the last 6 months. It started as a pressure and full feeling, and progressed it seemed as my anxiety about it got worse.

I have seen 3 ENTs, had a CT scan and visited the Eye and Ear hospital a number of times.

I can now say it definitely seems to be worse when I concentrate on it, or let it get the better of me.

I had a baby 12 months ago and now retrospectively think that the pressures of having a little one brought on my ear complaints. I had no other symptoms but now have a 'tired' head feeling and get a little dizzy if I go with the feelings.

My words of advice to anyone who has similar complaints: go and see an ENT, if they give you the all clear or diagnose Eustachean Tube Dysfunction etc, do the following which might help ease your symptoms:

- Steam , breathe in a few times a day
- Chew gum , helps to open the ears up
- Heat pack behind ears on jaw etc to relax muscles
- See a chiro , works wonders
- Above all DEEP BREATHS and try to RELAX. Easier said than done, took me 6 months to accept and get to this stage

I can say though, that I am starting to feel happier and more at ease, and my symptoms seem to be dissapating. :)

06-09-13, 20:56
My ears are ok somedays but I feel off balance now & it really frightens me to be honest its a horrible feeling and I've new suffering with it for a long time but the doctors don't know what's causing it I'm just petrified when I'm stood up I'm going to fall over its horrible I get it worse when I'm due to be on my period wich Iam due now don't know if the can't make me feel this way but I'm scared thank you for all you're help xxxxx

06-09-13, 21:31
Jenna I used to get just the same when my period was due, really off balance and sometime nauseous. My eyes sometimes seemed a bit blurry about the same time. I mentioned it to my doctor but didn't really get an answer.

06-09-13, 21:38
My doctors ain't telling my anything I've been to see like 6 different doctors about this my head feels so funny its unreal when I stand I feel asthough I'm going to fall over its horrible its worse this time but think that's because my doctors told me to stop taking the pill my periods use to be really heavy so I'm dreading it when it starts xxxx

15-04-14, 22:31
I had a partially blocked for 3 months before it finally went blocked eustation tubes it was

15-04-14, 22:38
I also get full ears when I am very anxious, they constantly feel like they need to pop. I have no idea how anxiety can cuase this either but for me it is definitely worse when I am stressed. I also believe i habe tmj so maybe the two are connected?