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05-09-13, 17:16
Sometimes I just don't get it.

Anxiety has been manageable for quite some time now. I push myself to do all the things I don't really feel like doing, feel like crap, do it anyway, come home and feel better. Meditation, thought swapping, CBT practices etc all mean that no matter how bad I feel I can just about ride it out and not run home screaming.

This morning however, the Universe decided to test me.

I didn't have a particularly bad nights sleep, no nightmares, not feeling particularly stressed yet I woke up trembling like a leaf, like I'd had a dozen cups of coffee.

Of course today was the day that I HAD to get up and get ready quickly because it's my son's first day back at school. I wasn't feeling stressed about that though.

I have felt trembling before, but not at this intensity and not for this long, it's been with me all day. Of course my first thoughts are the usual parkinsons, MS etc etc.

Random symptoms, you are a piece of shite :sly:

I'm struggling to come to terms with the fact I can wake up feeling this shaky for no apparent reason.

06-09-13, 12:04
Sorry you're having a bad morning. I really know the feeling! I hate when new symptoms pop up, and I especially hate waking up with the feelings. Just remember that anxiety can manifest itself physically, even if we aren't mentally anxious, and for those of us who have been struggling with it for a while, it will take our bodies a long time to get back to normal.

07-09-13, 06:40
Your son's first day back at school is a stressful event, even though you weren't worried about it. I get anxious about things I've been looking forward to and will probably enjoy once I get there. So the symptoms you describe are not unusual and will probably go away.

07-09-13, 21:44
I know what you mean

I was probably just ranting as I get really P'd off with making so much effort and then being repaid with new random stuff.

It's odd, I made the assumption that I was able to tell when stress was effecting me physically or mentally. Clearly that's not that case!