View Full Version : help me please

05-09-13, 17:24
why did i feel nauseated most of the time today, like my stomach isn't as hungry, i think it's because i'm thinking of being anxious too much

05-09-13, 17:28
Nausea is a symptom of anxiety. Have you read the links on the left hand side which describe the symptoms?

05-09-13, 17:36
yes, but i'm just worried as you can tell :(

05-09-13, 19:25
You need to try to eat little and more often. The nausea was one of the worst symptoms of anxiety for me, I just tried to eat foods that would go down easily. fruit, yogurts, soup.

05-09-13, 19:39
how did you get over the anxiety and nausea?

05-09-13, 20:19
You have to accept that it is anxiety causing these symptoms, know that you can get well again and focus on every little positive. for me it started off as "I got out of bed and down the stairs" then "I managed to walk up the street" Don't worry about what you can't do, just focus on the things you can do. CBT helped me, there is an online course which is free, here is a thread about it http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91696 I found CBT4Panic very helpful.