View Full Version : I am worried about my boyf

05-09-13, 18:15
My boyfriend went the doctor today cos he has been having a feeling like there is 'something there' in his gullet / stomach when he swallows.
They have said it maybe gallstones or stomach ulcers but are sending him for blood tests to check his organs.
I feel literally sick with worry that there he has something like cancer now.
Obviously I am not saying this to him and he is not worried about the test (he has anxiety and this bothers him more) and he said his doc wasnt either. But I am worried sick. I dont know what to do. Please help.

05-09-13, 18:40
Your boyfriend has probably accepted what he has been told, that it could be gall stones or an ulcer. Don't jump straight away to the worse case scenario as this is most unlikely. Trust the doctor and what he suspects it is.