View Full Version : blood clots in both legs?

05-09-13, 21:04
My anxiety is going into overdrive at the moment, I have sore thighs which hurt to touch, tight calf muscules and tingly pain in them, even at rest. Of course I was scared that I had blood clots. Ive just been to see the Ooh Gp, who looked at my legs, felt pulses said they were fine. Coupled with my age and the fact that apparently its incredibly rare to have one in both legs, he was happy not to do a blood test.

However I still have leg pain, awful itchy sensations tightness tenderness, im still scared. Since ive come home ive been sweating, had a cough and now im scared its gone to my lungs.

How common is it to have in both legs?

05-09-13, 22:00
Never heard of clots in both legs at once tbh. Why do you think you have developed a clot? Unless you have been immobile for a long time or had an injury to your leg, or been on a long flight, I think it's unlikely you have a clot.

I appreciate your worry though. I thought I had one once - red lump behind my knee, felt sore to touch. Worried over it for 2 days then realised it was an insect bite. When we suffer from anxiety we lose the ability to look at things rationally and the most routine and mundane bodily sensation becomes a medical worry.