View Full Version : One of those smelly days...

05-09-13, 23:55
Since term began, not surprisingly, my anxiety has been slowly rising... I've got a few tiny little tics, and today I have started sniffing around like a pointer dog. Mould, earthy smells, 'something hot and plasticky' etc etc etc.

It isn't just me... is it?!? I'm talking myself through it pretty well but goodness it is SO time-consuming!!

06-09-13, 00:50
Since term began, my anxiety has been astronomical. That's despite me being off work for at least September. Started escalating Monday night, has been stratospheric since.

There are just too many smells in a school... keep talking!

06-09-13, 14:13
I'm not in school either! The anxiety is cos now we are back in term time I have to face loads of discussions and it is obvious the only way it can end is them getting rid of me - however it's constructive dismissal as far as I can see. I teach French and it's no longer on the timetable - I was offered coaching 'to become a better teacher' last term just before I went off. I shall never be a good Maths teacher! I'm a linguist.

<Bangs head into wall>

The smells are just part of my stress symptoms. Except when the cat uses her tray - those are definitely real...:unsure:

06-09-13, 23:17
Ahh, Maths. The start also of my downfall this year, having to teach Maths with no training or support when I'm an English teacher...

07-09-13, 00:37
Blinking Nora! It's sort of good to have it confirmed it's not just me, but... Hugs to you.

07-09-13, 08:35
Chalk another one up over here.

Ive been on the edge since the start of term, slowly dying of the stress of it all.

07-09-13, 18:33
I spent all week trying to screw up the courage to arrange my Occy Health appointment - not because I'm worried about it, just can't get a grip on coordinating them and my (not very available) Union Rep.

This morning I sent a brief email to them both asking if they would please get together and find a mutually convenient time in their diaries, let me know when, and I shall attend.

I've copied this to the SMT at school.

I thought I would feel loads better after being proactive but it left me feeling so drained - and it only took five minutes! :shrug:

GirlAfraid, HUGE hugs to you. In fact, why don't we have a :grouphug:

07-09-13, 21:54
I thought that when I emailed the head to say I wouldn't be back in September and explained (in almost bullet points) how I was feeling - something that took almost two weeks to force myself into. An hour to write a ten line email... and that was me wiped for two days afterwards. No relief at all, despite what everyone kept telling me.

What's important is that it's done, and it's also now down to them, not you. Settle back and wait for their diaries to synchronise. Well done for being proactive, damned hard work.

I think :hugs: are due anyone facing SMT, or the new term...


07-09-13, 22:41
Thank you. It is wonderful to know a few people on here understand. When I first posted about teaching and stress I had almost no replies but a LOT of views... says it all!

07-09-13, 23:10
With the number of colleagues and friends who've been off with stress, anxiety and depression over the years, and those who've left because of it, I'm surprised there's not a healthy subculture here and similar places!

Especially as we pretty much all encounter bonkers SMT with all the consideration and empathy of a malevolent cactus cavorting with drunk late season wasps.

08-09-13, 14:37
I suspect it is because there are so many rules about what you can and can't share. Although it is totally illegal, the new person in charge of my school has got everyone convinced they can be sacked if they talk to anybody who is off sick.

They wouldn't want me knowing my subject isn't on the timetable, now would they?!?!

I shall be incredibly interested to hear what Occy Health suggest about reasonable adjustments! LOL

08-09-13, 15:22
Close relative is a teacher. She had to go to work before the term begins.
I cannot believe what work she has done to get the new students enrolled, and other work. She rang me Friday and said " I have not cried yet"
Bless all you teachers you all need medals.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

09-09-13, 10:24
Thank you... The sad thing is, I adore teaching and I love SEN kids. That's one reason I can't go back - they wouldn't understand if I appeared and then went again.

Today I got up early - after a long long nap yesterday which I simply couldn't avoid! - and although I feel fine emotionally, my nose is playing its tricks again. How weird! I imagine that when we get on top of the emotions consciously, they just burrow down and alert other places in our brains... after all, you would usually run from a weird burning smell wouldn't you! At least I know what it is now - I was convinced for years there must be some slow-growing tumour somewhere, I had no idea this was an anxiety symptom!

---------- Post added at 10:24 ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 ----------

Just checked work email and found this:

Dear Colleagues and Governors Please find below a message from ****(Ex-Head) "It is with great sadness that I have decided not to return to Beech Hill School following my recent illness. As a result of personal circumstances and after much thought and consideration, I have chosen to pursue an alternative career path. This has not been an easy decision. When I took up the post of headteacher at My School, I certainly did not expect to be leaving less than a year later. I would like to express my thanks to the staff and students for their hard work and support during my short time at the school and wish the staff, students, parents and governors every success for the future." I will ensure that flowers will be sent to Ex-Head to wish her well.
£££££ (Executive BLAHBLAH Academy/My School support)

I have replied to ALL recipients:
Dear £££££ (that's all she's interested in!), thank you for the information. I do hope that you will ensure all staff get a chance to contribute. I would be grateful if someone would pp my signature for me. Regards, Gill

The absolute Bar Stewards! :weep::weep::weep::weep:

09-09-13, 23:54
Well done on checking work email - not something I can do at the moment. The down side of which is that the sneaky git has decided to email my personal account instead. Which he did today, successfully scuppering what had until then been my best day for a couple of weeks. Hey ho, return of maddeningly itchy head.

I love teaching too, and want to return - albeit somewhere else.

I hope tomorrow is less smelly for you.

10-09-13, 00:04
Thank you! I just recorded my second comedy video, it made *me* laugh anyway... ;)
Edna Stevens #2 - The Break-up.: http://youtu.be/yXZu2jkJlU0 via @youtube (https://twitter.com/youtube) Enjoy!

10-09-13, 00:23
Makes me think of those wonderful Alan Bennett monologues!

10-09-13, 01:23
Thanks! I've been to bed and got back up and am eating toast... I HATE checking work email but I have had to just so I can confirm how little information I have been given! Anyway I just looked at an email to staff headed 'Info from INSET day' and it contains - I kid you not - a 72 slide PowerPoint with slides showing where Break and Lunch came!!!

HAHAHA... I feel so much better now. Poor beggars!!

10-09-13, 23:16
Ahh, where would we be without PowerPoints, complete with presenters who say, "I won't patronise you by reading every slide..." and then proceed to, oh yes, read every one word for word.