View Full Version : Getting Better But Still Scared

23-10-06, 19:15
Hi peeps, just to tell you I'm getting a little better, bit at a time. I'm going out for little walks which is going ok, although I still have occasional panic attacks. It's more to do with the bad thoughts I get, for some reason I think I'll be sick in public, even though that hasn't happened yet (my panic attack symptoms consist of my stomach aching)

Its those thoughts that hold me back the most I think, I'm trying desperately to get rid of them, altho the CBT is definitely helping, the guys very nice as well.

Hope you're all having a good week

23-10-06, 23:18
Just wanted to say keep up the good work,little walks are great for starters and try to do a little bit even on the crap days.
Its a long road but you'll get there in the end,keep it up!!

Take care and keep smiling,Candie xx:D

23-10-06, 23:22
well done on the walks,your doing great.[Yeah!];)

Ellen XX