View Full Version : Petrified - conuncellor broke doww in car

23-10-06, 19:46
I arrived at my GP's to see new counsellor and was literally told "should I stay or should I go" mode, as her car had broken down. 15 mins later practice manager said she could book me in for a another week, as the councellors car was broken down. It might not sound a lot but I was due to start group therapy on Wed and this will have recurcussions as I won't have the all important assessment needed.. I don't know how much more I can take.

Ok, a week is only a week but when I feel every hour is like a minute it is a long time.

My sons is driving me to distraction being half term. Give him his due he does not understand. My 19 yr old daughter has only 9 weeks left of her pregnancy and that is freaking me out as I dont feel I have the responsibility to give her and no one elseis there and I will end up looking after my grandson. She has no one to support her.

My mum phoned to say she had broken her arm. How cruel am I? I asked whcih one as I know she is capable with the rt. Thankfully it is her right but I cannot cope ith my own family let alone hers. She broke my arm when little and beat me and I am supposed to make it all right now?

Am I am in deep self-pity/angry/cross or just plain fed up with what life is throwing at me when I fel less unable to take it?

Surely this world has something better to offer or is that it??

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Love Ruth XX

23-10-06, 23:26
hi Ruth sorry to hear your having such a bad time at the mo.Hope it all settles down for you soon.you are not in self pity pet,just going through a rough time of it.

Ellen XX

24-10-06, 14:50
Hi Ruth

You do have such a lot to cope with, its not self pity. Anyone who didn't suffer with panic and anxiety would find it difficult. And don't worry about your feelings towards your mum. There is only so much a person can cope with.

Its not surprising you're feeling bad after having to miss your counsellor. Every delay is frustrating because we all want to get better and this is like a traffic jam or road works on your journey to good health. You'll get through it. This place is certainly a good place to come for support. [8D]


24-10-06, 16:39
OMG Ruth, I could feel every word you wrote as if it were my own. I had an appointment with a new psychiatrist yesterday. I told him that just knowing that I had that appointment scheduled is what kept me from going crzy the previous three weeks. I don't know what I would have done if he had of cancelled.
And about your mom calling with the broken arm. I can not take care of me sufficiently to even try to help someone else with their problems. And your daughter having a baby and no one to support her. I am currently raising three granddaughters because my own daughters are too busy with their own hells to take care of their children.
See, I told you we have a lot in common! Hang in there Ruth, it does get better. Let me know how you feel after you do get to see your counselor. I will be praying for you. Good luck!
