View Full Version : Steam from radiator

06-09-13, 12:35
Im at my grandparents house atm, sleeping on the floor right next to a radiator, while I was a asleep I banged my knee on the radiator, when I had a look the radiator was on and for about a minute there was steam/gas that was coming out of the top. Im scared this is carbon monoxide or some other dangerous gas?

06-09-13, 12:38
Is it the usual radiator you get in a house that contains water?

06-09-13, 12:41
yeah normal radiators

06-09-13, 12:49
Hi, if it is a normal Radiator then if it is damaged it will only spurt out water that can be hot if the heating is on (call a plumber). If it is oil filled radiator and switched on then can omit hot oil, not dangerous as such but usually gives off a funny smell and a hot spray so be careful. No Radiators have gases in them, either water or oil. Hope this helps

06-09-13, 13:22
You can't carbon poisoned from a normal water radiator

06-09-13, 16:47
Thanks thats reassuring. What could that steam have been? the radiator isn't damaged in any way.

06-09-13, 18:01
Old style radiators have a pressure valve that releases excess pressure. It was just releasing a bit of built up pressure is all.