View Full Version : swaying & moving forwards

06-09-13, 13:36
i do have swaing & sensations like im falling sometimes but it,s been a bit worser this week. anyone else. it,s not a very nice feeling.

08-09-13, 22:09
I get this all the time! I will sway, feel like I'm falling and lots of similar feelings...
Even now I'm lying in bed and I'm spinning and feel horrible :( your not alone... I always worry that something more than anxiety is causing it :(

08-09-13, 22:16
yeah and I feel like im going to fall over another awful symptom

10-09-13, 17:16
Yep just started getting this daily instead of just mid panic, feels like big rush then head fuzz, feels really weird, hopefully it will go for us all tho! Had doc app booked tomo anyhow for my IBS stuff so will ask to have ears etc checked but funny feeling this is good ole anxiety again and HA fueling it! Fedup36 - Do you get it literally everyday and how long have you had it? Not sure I could handle this as hate it already and only been few days :ohmy:

10-09-13, 19:54
Unfortunately I've had this for about 10 months now... The dizziness is my worst symptom :( I get it most days although it is getting better so maybe 4 days a week... I fear this symptom and apparently that's why it won't go away!! I am having balance testing tomorrow so will let you know how I get on :)

I get 2 types really.. One of awful dizzy zaps which last a split second and they feel like I'm falling. I also get a off balance sensation which normally happens in the evenings when I'm tiered and I just feel drunk basically :(

I hope it doesn't stay with you for to long!

10-09-13, 21:38
Do you live in a really windy area? :) jk...

It's possible that you did not get enough sleep this week. Sometimes, drowsiness along with muscle fatigue will cause your body to slouch forward and lead to sensation of heaviness in one side of the body. Here's an interesting article on it: http://bit.ly/1eB8chv

In your case, I would try to relax, and get a few days of 8hrs+ sleep. Let us know if that works.