View Full Version : What should I do when I don't totally believe the doctor?

06-09-13, 14:26
I recently started to become anxious about my health. At first it began with a fear that something was up with my heart. After a couple of visits which I didn't consider conclusive enough (they just listened to my heart and checked my blood pressure) I went and had an ECG. Everything seems fine, although its not officially confirmed.

A lot of the worries I have are when I'm walking and it feels like my hearts going too fast for the level of exercise I'm doing. I read up about this online and heard that the only way of REALLY knowing if you have an arrhythmia is if they try the ECG on you while you're running. So although I'm a lot more calm about it that is still on my mind.

A worse thing than this is that over the past few days I've had a headache, mainly on my right side. I read up about symptoms of aneurysms and was frightened to learn that having a pupil larger than the other can be a sign, as I do (this is something I noticed probably six months to a year ago, it could potentially have always be there but I've no idea whether it was).

Also, something like an aneurysm seemed to me like an explanation for why I may have been having anxiety recently as part of a personality change caused by its effect on my brain. Additionally, I read that aneurysms can be caused by taking cocaine and amphetamines, both of which I have taken quite a bit of in the past (although not so much cocaine).

So I went to the Dr and he checked my blood pressure, shone a light in my eyes and also checked inside my ears. He said everything seemed fine and the blood vessels in the back of my eye looked fine, and that it was most likely a mild viral infection.

He then told me if symptoms persist to come back again.

Now I'm left wondering if these checks the Dr performed were enough to tell if I have an aneurysm. And I'm too scared to google it. I still have a bit of headache which occasionally gets worse (I only saw the Dr yesterday). And I'm worried about what it could be if symptoms DO persist.

I'm going to a friends for the weekend tomorrow and I really don't want to be worrying about it while I'm there.

Any advice would be extremely welcome :)

06-09-13, 15:25
Treat a doctor like an airline pilot. You can either sit there worrying that the pilot is going to crash the plane and have an uncomfortable journey, or kick back, relax, placing your faith in the ability of the pilot to get you there safely.

You will realise over time that picking the second option makes the journey far more enjoyable.

06-09-13, 20:52
Do you really think that the problem with trust is with the tests performed? Will another test really do anything for you or will it just be another inconclusive test?

Also. You're reading way, way too much on Google.

Hope you'll feel better soon man.