View Full Version : I think I know what it is I have.....

06-09-13, 18:19
I think I have agoraphobia, like when I'm at home alone or have free time to think, I keep thinking 'what if I get panicky now? I should' have I really got agoraphobia or is it intrusive thoughts? I've had bad experiences two days ago, it was panic attack, at home by myself aswell so yeah

06-09-13, 18:26
It is no good just guessing what you might have, if you are anxious you need to see your doctor. Agoraphobia is not a fear of being home by yourself, it is a fear of open/public spaces. Not wanting to leave the house.

06-09-13, 18:51
It is no good just guessing what you might have, if you are anxious you need to see your doctor. Agoraphobia is not a fear of being home by yourself, it is a fear of open/public spaces. Not wanting to leave the house.
But I've read it can be if you are scared of being in panicky situations?
I shall tell my counseller everything on tuesday

06-09-13, 18:53

06-09-13, 18:57
Doesn't really sound like you have agoraphobia to me-I have it.

It doesn't make much difference what label you put on your anxiety condition anyway, they are all treated the same way-accept it for what it is and don't avoid any situations!

06-09-13, 22:05
Doesn't really sound like you have agoraphobia to me-I have it.

It doesn't make much difference what label you put on your anxiety condition anyway, they are all treated the same way-accept it for what it is and don't avoid any situations!

sorry i'm going to ramble but , i feel uneasy that my mind could wander and keep thinking at the back of my mind 'what if i started getting anxious randomly now it's happened before, will i be like this forever?,there's no-one to save me' most of the time i feel like i need to distract myself (talk to people, go on ipod) because i'm scared of getting another panicky episode. during the day, whenever i think of this, i might get a lingering feeling of nausea and this makes me unhappy and drained. scared of getting a panic attack in certain situations where i think i might get one

06-09-13, 22:12
You are not alone in feeling like this-that is exactly how everyone who has panic attacks feels.

You need to learn that a panic attack won't harm you, it feels very unpleasant but it will eventually pass. When you start to believe that you stop being afraid of them and then you stop getting them.

There isn't an easy fix, it takes effort but it can be done.

06-09-13, 23:22
You are not alone in feeling like this-that is exactly how everyone who has panic attacks feels.

You need to learn that a panic attack won't harm you, it feels very unpleasant but it will eventually pass. When you start to believe that you stop being afraid of them and then you stop getting them.

There isn't an easy fix, it takes effort but it can be done.

thank you for the advice kelly, good luck to your anxiety too best wishes