View Full Version : Please Please Help

06-09-13, 20:21
Please give me an idea of what this means, I know your not doctors but all I can think about is my 15 year old has cancer. He had a bone scan done and it said benign, but this MRI makes me think that its cancer for sure. Please let me know your impression
locialzed area a superficial soft tissue swelling with internal calcifications immediately adjeacent to the distal fibula. There is bone marrow edema at the distal fibula there may be a trace of periosteal reaction and possibly some cortical breakthrough. While these findings could be related to direct trama if there is such a history the Mr features are non specific and an aggressive Process is not excluded.

06-09-13, 21:11
Sounds like he banged the heck out of his shin ;)

06-09-13, 21:22
I would be reassured by the word benign which means it is not cancer. If you really want to know more about the rest I would ask your doctor to explain it to you but I don't think that result would worry me at all.

07-09-13, 02:47

The results of this MRI are saying that there is swelling and a hardening of the muscle tissue in a specific area, and also some fluid around the bone, which would be most indicative of an injury. Periosteal reaction is the term used for the growth of new bone, often in response to injury. They've said that there may be some trace of this.

It sounds like it is probably a result from a pretty hard knock to the leg, as fishmanpa has stated. It could also be a NON-CANCEROUS tumour. The fact that it has come up as benign indicates that even if it is a tumour, IT ISN'T A CANCEROUS ONE.

If you're still worried, as it sounds like you are, go to your doctor and ask if they can explain the results to you in layman's terms. It's always frustrating when doctors give you a bunch of results written in 'doctor speak' and don't help you interpret them.

Please try not to worry though, from what you've shared, it sounds like it definitely isn't cancer.

07-09-13, 04:56
The funny thing is, is he had it for a year. The bone scan that said it was benign was done in may and the MRI was done on Tuesday! Could it turn to cancer that fast

07-09-13, 20:28

07-09-13, 20:31
I think anthrokid's answer is spot on to be honest.

08-09-13, 05:27
Again, from the results you've been given it doesn't sound like it would be cancerous, and only VERY rarely will a benign tumour progress to become cancerous.

If the doctor has any reason to even slightly believe there is a possibility that it has become cancerous they will do more tests. Even if the doctor thinks there is only a 5% chance of it progressing to become cancer they will investigate further.

Again, I can't reiterate how important it is for you to get in contact with your doctor and ask if you can make an appointment to discuss the results and what they think. You are obviously quite concerned, and I think talking with your doctor would be the best way to relieve your anxiety right now :)