View Full Version : Unread replies!

06-09-13, 20:51
Just curious as to why people put up threads asking for help and they don't seem to reply to the help given.

I've spent a long time composing a reply to various people and when I look at the thread hours or days later there doesn't appear to be a reply to what I've put. Spent ages typing out some of the longer replies. Perhaps some people have read them and not replied, but it would be nice to know that you've read them. Just a quick word saying Thanks would be all that's needed.

06-09-13, 20:55
Couldnt agree more shakey.


06-09-13, 21:00
I think sometimes people post when in crisis or when upset, then don't think about it once they're feeling better. I think most people do appreciate others' input. I know I do!

06-09-13, 21:00
Yep I've pondered over this. If its soooooooooooo urgent/important that its made a person thread - then u disappear after people invest time to help u , it's quite maddening!

06-09-13, 21:00
Watch this space as I am about to do a post about this and other things

06-09-13, 21:02
Nice one nic x

06-09-13, 21:35
Thank you Nic :)

Shakey and all, I'm with you 100% here. I too have spent a long time writing a long reply to people only for no reply to ever appear and it is annoying!!

Come on peeps, if someone has taken the time and effort to write a reply to you, it doesn't cost anything to just say "thank you" that's all we ask and surely that's not too much :)

06-09-13, 21:59
Watch this space as I am about to do a post about this and other things

I think this shows my mindset, automatically assuming guilt,,,,,,,
I read this & thought, oh no I hope I haven't forgotten anyone......!!!!

but I do agree about if people are putting in the effort to write a reply but not getting a response, It is disappointing
I agree too that after a crisis calms down,people sometimes don't come back to say they feel better.

In fact I try to make a point of putting stuff in success stories because reding other people's success is important as it demonstrates putting hard work in to combat your issues really does pay off. It isn't all doom, Gloom & despondency,

06-09-13, 22:01
The admin post is now under ANNOUNCEMENTS

07-09-13, 00:49
In the short time I've participated on the forum, I've seen this several times. Great response Nicola and your post is spot on.

It's my opinion that one that suffers with extreme anxiety, especially those that have HA, almost have a self fulfilling prophecy to have the disease or ailment they fear. When doctors and tests say they're fine and other members support them and concur or say it's just anxiety, it's as if that's not what they want to hear! It almost would seem better to say "OMG... you're 100% right! It's cancer, heart failure, a brain tumor etc. etc. etc."

It's been my experience that no amount of logic, practical knowledge, experience or medical proof makes a difference when someone is in the midst of a severe episode.

But perhaps, maybe, once in a while a little bit gets through and makes a difference. Perhaps, once in a while someone, despite their affliction has an "Ah Ha" moment and takes the steps to help themselves because the truth be told, no one here, no matter what they say or do, can make an individual help themselves. One has to "want" to help themselves and only they can take the steps to do so. Otherwise, what Nicola says is correct. It becomes much like the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" and people will stop responding when they see the futility of the situation.

Positive thoughts and prayers

07-09-13, 13:59
I used to make all my replies indepth and well thought out. I gave up on that and go for shorter ones now as it too often seems like a waste of time. I do enough essays at college.

07-09-13, 14:35
It could just be a case that whoever you replied to may have forgotten that they wrote the question, or where they wrote the question (what thread) as I dunno about the rest of you but I forget to do something minutes before now let alone remembering where I posted on a site that has hundreds of threads! I have a brain like a sieve, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it - now what was I saying?

07-09-13, 23:22
I try to reply, but forget sometimes where I've been!