View Full Version : At this moment

23-10-06, 21:27

Been trying real hard, but tonight I feel really down. The person who caused me much distress and is the cause of my aniexty is stopping with us this week (he is a teenager). I have tried and tried. He has gone out with his mum and will be back at around 10ish. I feel really bad tonight, this is also causing my relationship to breakdown and I know longer know what to do. I try to keep what I am feeling inside as I don't want to upset my wife, but then it all builds up. I don't feel like anyone listens to me and I don't know how to resolve this. I dont really want to go into details about what happened, but it was pretty bad and I am finding it hard to forgive. This is also effecting my relationship with my children as well, I feel like a really bad Dad, I know deep inside that it is the opposite and a lot of people of told me I am a really good father, but this is hard. I can feel my chest beating really fast and i feel all tingly inside. I thought it was resolved, but something triggered it and now I am back to that person I was a year ago when it first happened. I know there is nothing anyone can do, but I needed to get it off my chest as one of my best friend is away on holiday at the moment.



23-10-06, 21:56
you need to talk this though with the teenager,if it is this person that is causing this distress. bottleing it up inside will make it more difficult. really you need to sort this out let us know how your doing.lorraine p.s. DO,NT PUT OFF TILL TOMOZ WHAT CAN BE SORTED TODAY.:D

23-10-06, 23:16
Hi J I agree with Rickards it needs to be sorted,you are going to make yourself so ill bottling it all up inside.
Take care

Ellen XX

25-10-06, 10:17
Hi Rickards and Ellen

I did what you said and I took him on a long walk and told him my feelings. Even though I didn't get all the answers and I realise that I proberbly won't do, we had a good talk. I feel emotional drained today, but it is a step. I would like to thank you both for your advice, you really helped a lot.


25-10-06, 17:33
Hi smithjam glad we could help, at least it ,s a start you talking to each other. Things will improve for you i,m sure. take care lorraine:D