View Full Version : Shin pain

07-09-13, 01:26
Hey. I am 31. Been healthy all my life. About 6 weeks ago, I started to have some pain in my right shin. Sometimes hurts around shin on both sides. Feels better when I rest. No pain during sleep at all. I'm a nurse and on my feet all day. No swelling, trouble walking or redness. No lump felt. I'm a worrier and worried about bone cancer or osteosarcoma. Please help if you can!

---------- Post added at 20:26 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ----------

Also, not a runner so I don't feel it's shin splints.

07-09-13, 07:34
I have the exact same thing but in my left shin, it mainly comes on when I'm at work (sitting at a desk). I asked the dr about it he said its due to me wearing very flat shoes all day and putting strain on it. Mind you the more I tense up and think about it the more it comes on?

But Dr said it certainly wasn't ringing any alarm bells with him and not to worry. I've had it about 6 wks too and I'm around your age.

Tilly Flop
07-09-13, 07:39
I get aches in my shins, I'd say more an ache than a pain really but I've had it on and off all my life and it does get worse if I've been on my feet a lot or am run down or anxious, ie when my muscles are tense i guess. When I was a child I was told by a specialist that it was shin splints caused by poor alignment of my joints. Now Im older I also get foot pain which it seems is caused by the same thing, and I've been advised to wear orthotics in my shoes.
What I'm saying is I don't think you have to be a runner or anything to get shin splints as they can come in varying degrees, and it could be just gradual wear and year from being on your feet all day.

07-09-13, 12:51
periosteal inflammation? As a nurse you're probably stamping the floors all day long.