View Full Version : Always something new-anyone else?

07-09-13, 08:39
Not quite sure in which section of the forum this fits, but I've just gone for the General section. I've started to become a bit frustrated with myself recently, as I am actually realising that I'm just exchanging one problem for another (I guess the first step is admitting it!). I don't want to go into tonnes of detail, but there was something that was on my mind and worrying me for quite a long time, then after realising I was being irrational and actually knowing that my worry was unfounded, I let that one go and it felt great! But then, something else came up concerning work. That plagued me for some weeks and then got sorted out. I let that one go and it felt great again. Then I started to become concerned with an aspect of my health and that had me anxious for some weeks. But the symptoms I had then vanished-so I dropped that one as well. The other day I met some people by chance I used to know (they were vague friends of mine about 14 years ago), but I didn't get on very well with some of THEIR friends and way back then they didn't like me very much (but we were pretty much kids-12/13). I don't even know whether they are still in touch with the others, but after I chatted to them for a short while, I later became obsessed with this thought that because I spoke to these people, they would maybe mention it to the others I didn't like and that would spark them off to maybe try to contact me or something and I wouldn't neccessarily want that! Writing this, it actually even all seems so stupid and irrational to me, but somehow I just seem to "like" creating one problem after another. I can't seem to just be happy that all is well and fine-there always has to be something to obsess over, no matter how irrational and far fetched it is! Does anyone agree with this as well and/or does anyone sometimes know that they're being irrational, but still can't shake it?? Thanks. :)

07-09-13, 09:58
hi im Maggie I think a lot of anxiety sufferers do this its transference you transfer from one to another to be able to get over an irrational though your brain finds another to begin breaking your pattern takes a lot of determination and strength, I myself are one of these people I have learned to accept myself and im able to see that im being irrational and dismiss my thoughts distraction you need to find a distraction technic that your for you. maggie

07-09-13, 17:52
Thank you Maggie. Luckily, I can usually tell when I am being irrational-Just have to work at not letting it bother me in the first place...:)