View Full Version : Blood pressure obsession

07-09-13, 14:02
Recently, I underwent a plethora of medical tests - the most I've had done at any one time in my life. I had gone to a specialist concerned that some chronic health issues meant I had a connective tissue disease. She didn't really suspect it, but she ordered SEVEN PAGES of tests to be thorough. I all but had a nervous breakdown having all these tests done, sure that something would have to come back bad. I've been a health worrier for at least a decade now, so I really have forgotten how not to think the worst.

Earlier this week, I had a follow-up appointment at her office to go over my results. I was perhaps as scared as I've ever been in my life as I awaited the news. Well, I'll cut to the chase: everything looked absolutely fine! She said nothing came back worrisome. Whew!!

So, you'd think I'd be on cloud nine after having soooo many tests come back normal, right? Not quite. Instead, I have been obsessing over my blood pressure reading from that appointment. I didn't even want the medical assistant to take it, because I knew I was having an absolute panic attack on the inside as she took me back to the room. I told her how scared I was, and my blood pressure showed it: 147/100!!!

I want to believe the high result was my nerves and nothing more. But I don't know. I always thought the top number was most affected by anxiety, yet you can see that both my numbers were high, and that's what really freaked me out. I really hope some others here can reassure me that what I experienced is not that unusual from anxiety.

I have been extra panicky about blood pressure lately. I had a baby in June, and during my pregnancy, my blood pressure was normal at every appointment. It was also normal through delivery and shortly after. But then it started to spike in the hospital. When I returned home, I bought a wrist monitor, and my results were sky high at home, too.

I was scared out of my wits and went to see my gynecologist. My blood pressure was much better on his manual cuff than on my automatic wrist cuff, and he told me that mine was inaccurate and to get rid of it and stop checking all the time. A couple weeks ago I went back to his office for my postpartum follow-up appointment, and I was so happy when his assistant reported my blood pressure as 120/80. "Yay! Back to normal," I thought.

But since getting the 147/100 reading the other day while awaiting my test results, I am a wreck again. Never mind that I just had a 120/80 reading at the gynecologist's two weeks ago. I have been fretting that maybe there is something wrong with the cuff at his office and that my normal readings there were wrong and that I am walking around all the time with terrible numbers. I am mostly scared about the bottom number and hope that the spike was really just stress related and not something I always have.

I don't have a home monitor I know I can trust, and I really would prefer not to get back into the obsession of checking it at home. I guess I am just looking for reassurance that maybe my 147/100 reading was caused by nerves. Thanks for listening.

Female healthanxiety
07-09-13, 14:09
Hello Elsa

I'm the same as you, I'm obsessed with my BP and whoever I go DRs I fear the reading; mine has been 170/110 before and my DR wasent worried!!!!! I don't know what it is.

You may have what's called white coat syndrome. Where the fear of bring at the DRs puts your BP up!

07-09-13, 14:37
Hi Elsa, I have the same problem with my blood pressure. It started when I was pregnant with my son 8 years ago. At a scan they told me it was possible there was something wrong with my son and then took my blood pressure almost straight after and then wondered why it was so high! Turned out my son was fine thank god but from then on I associated having my blood pressure taken with panicky feelings and it was always high. Now my dr always takes me off guard when they want to take my blood pressure (I'm on the pill so they normally do it every 6 months to a year) and normally its fine cos he's completely taken me surprise about doing it! After worrying about going back to get your results I'm sure its completely normal for a high blood pressure reading xxx

---------- Post added at 14:37 ---------- Previous post was at 14:36 ----------

Oh and also I have had higher blood pressure readings then that and I've been fine. Its always been nerves xxx

07-09-13, 14:45
Thanks for sharing your experiences! Does your bottom number spike with anxiety too, like I experienced?

Ten years ago I always had normal BP, even when very anxious. Wish I could say the same nowadays...

07-09-13, 14:48
Yeah it was always both numbers that went up for me! Xx

07-09-13, 14:51
Blood pressure takes a long long time to do any real harm. The more you think about it the worse it becomes. Keep your mind occupied.

Female healthanxiety
07-09-13, 14:52
Always both numbers for me too!

07-09-13, 15:05
Hi Elsa,

I read your post and there are several key words that stand out.

Nervous breakdown, health worrier, scared, nerves, anxiety, freaked, panicky etc.

If you're looking for reassurance that your higher BP reading was anxiety related, you only need to re-read your post ;)

Positive thoughts and prayers

07-09-13, 15:32
Blood pressure is constantly changing throughout the day - when you stand up or sit down, eat, psychological triggers, time of day, level of exercise, etc. Your blood pressure going up mildly when you were panicking is truly nothing to worry about. The problem is having consistently raised blood pressure, which clearly you don't have if you had a normal reading a couple of weeks ago.

There is truly nothing to worry about with that reading!

07-09-13, 15:37
Thanks, everyone! :) You rock!

I actually wasn't that concerned about the top number, which seemed reasonable considering how anxious I was. But I was scared that the bottom number shot up too high and that something must be wrong with me! Thanks for listening and offering support!

08-09-13, 12:38
The numbers go up and down together. There is nothing strange about that. In fact, it would be more worrying for your top number to go up without the bottom number moving because you don't want your top and bottom number to be more than about 50 different. That could imply hardening of the blood vessels. You sound perfectly healthy and I don't think you have anything to worry about.