View Full Version : breast fear

harrys mummy
07-09-13, 14:15
Hi everyone me again! I wont bother going through my whole issue again its all on my other posts........

So I saw my doctor monday who said she was referring me to the breast specialist, still no letter! I know its only been 6 days but im desperate for it to come through.

My hubby said think of it as a good thing because if they thought it was breast or inflamitory breast cancer they probably would have given me a appointment by now!

Anyway my lump thing has oozed abit, bloody stuff the other day, ive been trying not to touch it but yesterday I sterilized a needle and gave the hole where the orginal duct was and where the lumpy bit is now and what looked like a small amount of pussy blood came out, no change to the lump though.

Would it do this if it was breast cancer?

My mother in law came down the other day and went on about how her mother in law had it and her boob was all manky and crusty, the area where mine is is red and dry but ive been putting that down to savalon and infection but what if its not.


09-09-13, 15:43
Hello yes letters with appointments never come through quick enough i know just what its like in that regard. It sounds like some type of infection to me but i am no dr, i think i am right in saying if cancer is suspected they have to see you within 12 days so if they thought it was something sinister they would not mess about for weeks on end, good luck, oh this is the pot calling the kettle black as i pick and prod everything, but i would not go delving around with a needle if you can leave well alone you maybe re infecting yourself,blessings:bighug1: