View Full Version : Arm pit huge lump: muscle or lymph node??

07-09-13, 16:25
Hi all.
In my right arm pit I can feel a huge lump. It's under skin and hard. I feel it more when holding my arm in front of me. I can't feel it in the other side.
Could it be muscle, do u have that much muscle I see arm, or should I seek GP advice?

07-09-13, 16:34
Probably nothing serious. I had a friend many years ago who had an abcess after absent-mindedly shaving her armpits and using deodorant straight away - but I think hers was very painful. DEFinitely see your GP cos we can't diagnose it.

07-09-13, 22:37
I'm trying to avoid GP visits as I'm the HA type who goes a lot!!!!
I think I'll book in for 2/3weeks.
I'm trying to give myself reassurance and thinking 'surely if it was a lymphoma lump, I'd feel it in any position and not just when tensing my arm'.

07-09-13, 23:08
I suspect if you had a lump that big you would be feeling pretty poorly. but I'm not a doctor. Don't overreact to the HA by not going when you have a genuine symptom... Ask a family member if THEY can feel it, and if they can, go to the GP.

08-09-13, 08:02
Yeah good idea.
And yeah your probably right with the feeling poorly. Other than tiredness (which I put down to lifestyle )
I always seem to have one symptom or another :-(