View Full Version : Feel like im going mad!!!

23-10-06, 23:42
Hey everybody,
Just wondered if anyone else is freaked out by their thoughts..? On bad days mine are relentless,i just cant switch off.Thinking about crazy crazy stuff, like when im driving,"what if i have an accident?" and freaking out about all the negative stuff in every possible situation.
Every ache and pain,i automatically think of the worst possible conclusion.I even think about "what if theres a fire while im sleeping.?" and so therefore gets me thinking about all sorts of other stuff so i can't sleep.I cant seem to concentrate on the tv for my mind worrying about lots of stupid stuff.ITS DRIVING ME NUTS !!!!

Just want to know if any of you guys feel the same and im not the only one going nuts...

Take care to you all and keep smiling,Candie xx:D

23-10-06, 23:48
Hi Candie YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!![:P]Im exactly like you.A few months ago I felt the same.I thought I was going to end up in hospital,I thought I was going mad.Thanks to this site and all the great people here I realised I was not going mad,and it was anxiety.I never realised you could get all these different symptoms until I came here.
Its a great forum and you will get so much advise here.I worry to !!
Take care:D:D:D:D:D

Ellen XX

24-10-06, 08:04
Hey candie :D

you are definatley not mad.... i am such a worrier i worry about everything....my main one is i worry my hair straighteners are on when i leave the house and that it may start a fire...i used to sit in work worrying about it all day!!!!!! so no you are not alone!!! x k x

24-10-06, 09:17
hi candy ive had this for almost 9 years and like you i really did think i was going crazy. at one point i was taking in to hospital cos my mind was takin over by all theses negative thoughts honestly i mean i wasnt even me anymore i couldent relate to anythink ur anyone i didnt even no my own family at one point i couldnt eat i was so frightened but now ive learnt to cope ive been on meds for 9 years and ive read up on lots about it and to no so many people go thru the same reasures me that im not on my own it does get better hun i promise take care

t motown

24-10-06, 14:38
Hi Candie

I agree with the others.... definitely NOT crazy!

I do the same thing: we all suffer from what-ifs. They drive you crazy. A pain is always something terrible and life threatening, a journey is not going to be simple (in your mind). But you find the anticipation is usually the worst bit. Its just hard to see when you are in the "what-if zone"! :):)


24-10-06, 15:19
hi candy, youre not crazy. i worry about being worried. how crazy is that

25-10-06, 15:08
No you're not crazy, you just have an overactive imagination. I wish I could think about nothing then i'd be ok, when I try to think about nothing my mind then starts racing and this is when the panic sets in. I also worry about all the stuff you do too, every day I wake up and wonder if anything bad's going to happen to me or my kids and it seems to be getting worse as they're getting older. :(