View Full Version : Panicking about acid reflux

Nighttime pacer
07-09-13, 22:21
Hi all
I wish I could stop worrying all the time about acid reflux.
I'm taking omeprazole 20mg once a day and gaviscon at night and trying to watch my diet.
I wake up with a slight sore throat and sometimes my throat feels a bit odd after eating and I seem to burp a fair amount. I've been really stressed and have read that can make things worse. Also my stomach can be noisy and sometimes feel like I've got mucus in my throat especially after eating.

I'm so scared of oesophageal cancer or cancer of the larynx.

My gastroenterologist doesn't think there's anything to worry about and I've seen an ent specialist about my throat but I'm still worrying a lot.
I wonder if I get a sore throat because I'm sort of clenching my throat from anxiety, does that make any sense?

Sorry for writing so much I just wondered if anyone else has suffered from this.

Thanks for reading

Nighttime pacer

07-09-13, 22:32
Yes it does (make sense) - I began consciously relxing my throat, imagine you are yawning but without the yawn, and hold it at the widest point. I found that helped a lot. The meds will too, just give it time.