View Full Version : Anxiety and College

07-09-13, 22:38
My name is Chelsea, I'm from the USA and am in my Sophomore year of college at the University of Louisville. I've suffered from anxiety problems since I was very young, though at the time we just assumed that I was a child who was really attached to her parents and not wanting to leave home. About the time I turned 13 the problems fully manifested themselves as panic attacks, and quickly after that I also developed Agoraphobia, Health Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I've taken Zoloft for my problems since I was diagnosed, and received a year of counseling from my high school county's district mental health professional. Both of these things have helped me immensely, and I've come a long way in dealing with my problems, though I've still got quite a way to go.

My main goal here is to receive - and provide! - support from people who are going through the same things I have and still am. The best way to feel better, I've noticed, is having people to talk to who understand what you're going through.

So hello everyone and I hope to get to know lots of you!

08-09-13, 20:02
hey, I am from the UK i am starting a new job tomorrow and i am soooo anxious, i would love to help you with your anxiety and hopefully provide helpful advice and recieve some too. :)