View Full Version : What I find amazing about our illness

07-09-13, 23:01
We are all posting here, on a forum dedicated to HA, which means we know we have anxiety over our health, we are well aware of how we turn any little symptom into a deadly illness.

Most of us have gone for some kind of help for our illness, we are fully aware we have one.

So why do we, knowing full well we have HA, still believe every little thing is deadly? why can't we tell ourselves that it is just our illness?

How many of us have feared so many illnesses which turned out to be ok? yet we do it over and over again to ourselves.

Perhaps I am not putting my feelings into words very well but when I am worrying my husband tells me that I know it is in my head and somewhere while having a panic attack I know he is right, but knowing it is anxiety doesn't actually stop it, does it?

07-09-13, 23:02
No, I think about this a lot too. I have been coping for over forty years by doing the self-talk but one day the other forms of anxiety kicked in a little too strongly. It's only since coming here that I realised I've been suffering from HA all my life, and just more or less coping. I feel better for knowing that lots of other people struggle with it too, not sure why!

08-09-13, 08:09
I think it's when we don't see how our symptoms can be anxiety related. Eg if you have some palpatation it could be anxiety and you can try to think that this is the likelihood. However, lumps bumps (for example,) aren't there because of anxiety, it's our anxiety that makes us think its cancer, we are terminal and going to die within months!
If that makes sense xx

08-09-13, 14:33
For years I've been getting what I can only describe as like a 'loss of power' in my vision at times. As I have had retinal surgery this used to really worry me and I would always get it checked out.

It's only recently occurred to me that it is probably an Anxiety symptom.

We are so complex!!