View Full Version : Painful paresthesia (e.g. pin pricks)

08-09-13, 03:46
My most annoying symptom has to be painful paresthesia - basically, I feel like my skin is being pricked with a needle or splashed with hot grease in random spots all day long. This has been happening every day for more than two years. It hurts and drives me crazy. I was already a worrier, and this chronic and painful symptom just pushes me over the edge. Does anyone else deal with this? I've had so many medical tests ... MRI, EMG, nerve conduction study, autoimmune tests, Lyme panel, vitamin B12 check, thyroid tests, blood sugar, inflammation levels, and so on, and so on and so on. Everything always comes back fine. I joke that I look healthy on paper, but I just don't feel it.

I just saw a rheumatologist who said I fit the bill for fibromyalgia, or as she also called it, central sensitivity syndrome, as it seems my nerves are just firing pain signals when they really shouldn't be. However, I still suspect I must have some sort of nerve damage (neuropathy), even though we haven't found a reason why that would be.

I have been to so many doctors and had so many tests, and none of them think it's anything serious. But I just can't explain how worrisome it is to always feel this way. I don't want to spend my life in doctors' offices, but it is also so hard to just ignore this and accept that it's not associated with something serious. I just want peace of mind. It's very challenging, because the pain is pretty much always there, skipping around my body and driving me crazy!! Maybe I'm not alone in this weird symptom...