View Full Version : Scream when having a panic attack

24-10-06, 09:58
Had a really bad panic attack this morning, was on my own and screamed and screamed ( which of course made it worse ) then got a chest pain which scared me even more as I have a dreadful fear of heart attack. Feel a bit better now just really want to know does anybody else scream when having a panic attack, I only do it when I am on my own, but can never stop myself.

Luv Barb xx

24-10-06, 10:51
Hi Barb,sorry to hear you have had a bad morning.I use a brown paper bag to help my breathing when I have a panic attack,helps me relax.;)

Ellen XX

24-10-06, 11:47
Hope you are feeling better now

kaz x x x

24-10-06, 12:31
If I am in a place which allows I will scream to distract myself. Apparently this is a popular way of dealing with panic (the primal scream). Also do it while I'm driving quite often. Find it helps.


24-10-06, 13:42
thank you,Ellen,Kaz and Kay for your replys, never think to use a brown paper bag and I have suffered on and off for 20 years!!!!

Luv Barb xx

24-10-06, 14:29
Hi Barb

I don't use a paper bag, but I do find that if I concentrate on my outbreath being longer than my inbreath that helps a lot! Of course sometimes its really hard to focus, because the panic grabs at your mind, but I just take it back to the breathing as soon as I realise I have stopped the helpful breathing pattern. (Usually when I'm trying to sleep!) Breathing well does tend to reduce other symptoms too. Hope this helps.


25-10-06, 18:40
If screaming helps you then you scream away. I have never had that touble before. I can't stand being on my own at present.