View Full Version : Hello from South Shields

08-09-13, 14:19
Hi - my name is Mark and I live right up by the seaside on the North-East coast.

I've experienced panic attacks and social anxiety since I was in my early twenties. It wasn't until I was in my late twenties that I got any kind of diagnosis, up to that point I just thought I was going crazy.

Anyway - all these years down the line, after loads of different medications, psychiatrists, psychologists, broken relationships, family feuds, lost jobs, debt and isolation from the outside world, I'm still no nearer any answers.

I've also been diagnosed as having manic depression/bipolar disorder but to be honest I don't know if the doctors have ever really listened to me or if they just want my symptoms to match what they know they can treat with tablets.

I'm glad I've found this forum and I'm going to have a good look around.



08-09-13, 15:07
:welcome:Mark theres lots of help and support here

08-09-13, 16:27
Hi Mark :welcome: