View Full Version : Anxiety or something serious?

08-09-13, 14:59
Well, last night I went to my friend's house, I am severely allergic to dogs. They used to have one but it died a year or two ago; however they have cleaners come and clean the house almost weekly.

I was already exhausted from swimming at the lake earlier that day, and to top that off I had taken some Benadryl and my asthma medication, Xopenex.

We were watching a movie at around 7:45 p.m. when I began to get sorta derealization/depersonalization but I was almost aware it was happening... :unsure:

What I would describe it as would be: Feeling as if almost I was watching my life on a television, dizzy feeling (which usually comes from xopenex medication- also shakiness) and being forgetful.

Being a worrier (I have a past of hypochondria) I totally freaked out about this, but their mom is a doctor :shades: so I asked her about it. She told me I was fine but I was still worried... leading to me calling my mom to pick me up earlier than planned...

Anyway, this morning I googled 'Derealization' (I know, I know. It's a habit that I just can't beat.:weep:) and came up with an article about how it is frequently left misdiagnosed in adolescents and can progress to a serious disease... :scared15::scared15::scared15:

Help? :(

08-09-13, 15:12
"I had taken some Benadryl and my asthma medication, Xopenex"

There's your answer. I was prescribed Benedryl to help me sleep during and after my cancer treatment. It knocks me out. I literally can't stay awake. While I've not taken Xopenex, I understand that lightheadedness is a very common side effect. The combination of those drugs coupled with being physically tired from your day are the reason for your symptoms.

Derealization/depersonalization is a common side effect of anxiety but in this case, it's my opinion it was a combination of what I stated in the previous paragraph.

Positive thoughts and prayers

08-09-13, 15:14
"I had taken some Benadryl and my asthma medication, Xopenex"

There's your answer. I was prescribed Benedryl to help me sleep during and after my cancer treatment. It knocks me out. I literally can't stay awake. While I've not taken Xopenex, I understand that lightheadedness is a very common side effect. The combination of those drugs coupled with being physically tired from your day are the reason for your symptoms.

Derealization/depersonalization is a common side effect of anxiety but in this case, it's my opinion it was a combination of what I stated in the previous paragraph.

Positive thoughts and prayers

Thank you! I maybe just needed that reassurance... :hugs::):yesyes:

08-09-13, 15:28
No Worries! Be cool and enjoy the day :)