View Full Version : I am struggling with my health anxiety

08-09-13, 16:21
Sorry for another entry (I don't know whether I need to give no more panic a break + chat room a break.)

My parents have said you are going to make yourself ill, or send yourself to an early grave.

I am once forever worrying about even more so about my health, every symptom, thing I do etc. I am going to be 30 in December

Even though I have been for tests, scans etc. I am still not certain that everything is fine with me (I been told I need to trust scans and results) I been to the doctors many times over the last couple of years, well since 2012 about fear I have got testicular, bowel, pancreatic, liver, kidney etc even though tests have come back clean.

It is possible that anxiety can cause you body to feel and act differently.

Google is my biggest enemy on the internet, as well as the old favourite are slipping in

over the last two years I have pretty much worried about every cancer, included brain tumours, health conditions etc (what a male can get), including breast cancer.

More scary possibility only what females can get

I know being unemployed for me does not help. I am going to asked about my CBT again when I be starting it. I need to find something to keep me busy.

08-09-13, 16:40
I think I mentioned this to you in the chatroom the other day......If the internet is your temptation then maybe you should find other hobbies so that your day is a bit broken up. Yes the forum and chatroom may give you support, but does that support outweigh the temptation of google and the other websites you end up clicking on when online?

Its a decision only you can make. Maybe set yourself an online schedule and allow yourself a certain amount of time for the forum and chatroom each day, with the rest of time doing other things?

Hope this is of help

08-09-13, 16:44
hi Phil, Im the same about feeling as though I should give everyone on here a break from my constant posts, getting a bit embarrassing.

Im the same as you, worry about cancer more than anything to the point where its become an obssession and I can admit to that.

I hope that the CBT starts really soon for you, keep pushing them on it and explain how bad youre feeling.

Youre not alone Phil xx

08-09-13, 19:05
Im the same I feel sick most days. I have even started to dream that I have terminal cancer :-(

08-09-13, 20:13
I am struggling with my HA again, I go round and round in circles, I have can have a week where I am not too bad then something kicks it all off , distraction helps me , but this site is invaluable , I would be a lot worse if I did not come on it but obviously the temptation to google on health websites is always there and it really is my downfall. I try and search my conditions on here if I can and usually find reassurance. All the best. :flowers:

08-09-13, 21:08
Hi Phil. hopefully they can sort the CBT out for you as it really helped turn my life around. Before I started it I would worry about every ache/pain then afterwards (also with the help of citalopram) I can function pretty well with the odd occasional blip. I was pretty much a wreck for years now I have managed to do well for the past few years. Good luck

08-09-13, 21:14
Hi Phil,
will miss you in the chat room but you must do what is best for you.
I hope you can get through this.

Moley x

08-09-13, 21:28
What's dose of citalopram are you on? I was on 10mg and came off. Considering taking again but asking for 20mg x