View Full Version : Permanent indigestion & bloating after eating acidic meal

09-09-13, 06:07
Hi all,
I keep working myself up into a panic about this and was wondering if anybody has any experience with long-term indigestion and bloating?

About a week ago I made and ate a home made vegetarian 'sloppy joe' type of meal that had a lot of tomatoes and vinegar and chilli in it.

That same night I woke up with a bad episode of stomach discomfort and bloating. My best description was trapped wind between the sternum and shoulder blades.
It lasted for about 3 hours during which time i had several urgent trips to the bathroom with gassy diharea. Each bathroom trip brought some degree of relief and the gas pressure in my gut lowered to the point where I could finally get some sleep at about 5am after about 5 bathroom trips.

However, I haven't been right at all since, and am now suffering with some pretty scary gastric issues and seem to have developed permanent indigestion with that dull ache between my sternum and shoulder blades coming and going all the time. It feels like my esophegus is restricted and food meets resistance on its way down. I've been having acid reflux attacks (using Gaviscon to counter) and a permanent feeling of trapped wind behind my sternum with occasional discomfort spreading to the base of my right ribs.

I'm hardly sleeping and have a loss of appetite (which is actually doing wonders for my weight loss!) but as you can imagine I'm really worried about this and the panic keeps kicking in, especially at night.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone has had similar issues and how they coped?:shrug:

I should mention I've been a long time sufferer of IBS, but have never experienced anything like this.

Much thanks,
Rick. (44, UK)

Tilly Flop
09-09-13, 07:37
When I get indigestion it lasts for days and days and quite often feels like you've described it. I can go for weeks, sometimes months without getting it and then get a bout of it that goes on for ages.

10-09-13, 20:15
Thanks for the reply Tilly. I went to the doctor today and after a thorough abdominal exam he sent me home with a bottle of antacid. He seemed to think it was more likely to be a bout if gastritis and to give it a week.
Have to admit I feel a bit better now after being reassured it more than likely isn't gallstones. Am still a bit sore but I can feel things slowly getting better :-)