View Full Version : Vibrating right leg?

09-09-13, 08:12
I am happy to say i have been very calm for the past few days, not worrying too much over my symptoms...but one thing is bothering me.

My right leg, whenever i am lying down i can feel a sort of vibration come from it, it doesn't interfere with its position and its quite mild but i am starting to freak out a little in my mind about what he could be. Does anyone else experience similar things?

Skye Winter
09-09-13, 16:00
Leg vibrations can be caused by a number of things :)
Panic disorder is one of them! It's a nervous thing.
Poor circulation is another, and that's easily avoided by moving the leg muscles while laying down for a while to get the blood pumping back towards your feet.
It could also be a nerve thing, maybe you're laying somehow on a nerve in your leg that is making it sort of twitch?

I'm sure it's nothing at all :D It is a very common symptom of anxiety.

Here, visit this website, it may help you feel better:

It mentions this:

"Understanding the Buzzing Feeling
The buzzing sensation is hard for many to explain. What makes it more interesting is that it appears to occur even when no anxiety is present, which is uncommon for most anxiety symptoms. That's one of the reasons that it's so hard to diagnose and describe, since the buzzing itself doesn't always occur at the peak of anxiety.

The most common way of experiencing the buzzing feeling is in to feel like your muscles, fingers, or legs are vibrating or shaking inside. It's not the same thing as "nervous shaking." Rather, it's like your body acts like an electric toothbrush that turns on and vibrates in strange and unusual ways. For some the twitching is very fast. For others, it's a bit slower."

:) Hope you feel better soon.


09-09-13, 19:18
Both my legs were doing this last night after a long car trip. It was annoying as all get out and I could barely fall asleep. The vibrations were better this morning, though.

That's my body. Stress - anxiety - muscle tightness - muscle twitches - random buzzing.