View Full Version : Quitting

09-09-13, 09:55
Today is the first day I've quit smoking..It's been easy so far and I'm hoping I manage to stay off them for my health and peace of mind :)

09-09-13, 10:20
well done its hard work, I done it two years now and i feel sooooo much better for not smoking KEEP IT UP :yesyes:

Skye Winter
09-09-13, 10:50
I'm a social smoker... I dunno why but I can't seem to stop!
Well done for quitting though!
I only smoke 10 per week (or thereabouts)... I really ought to stop because it causes so much anxiety for me (I suffer heart worries).

But again, well done you for quitting!
Keep up the good work!
It'll be so worth it!

09-09-13, 11:49
I stopped smoking about 2 and a half years ago. I feel much better now.

09-09-13, 13:13
I really want to quit smoking! I've only gone as long as a week... I wonder if it would help my anxiety some if I gave it up all together?
Are you using patches?

09-09-13, 13:40
Thanks for your replies and well done to the people who has quit...I'm trying to quit with no help but it's only been the first and I have to admit it's really really hard lol

09-09-13, 13:42
Hang in there - nicotine is a stimulant so it's only ever going to make your anxiety worse. It's best to give up if you can.

09-09-13, 15:39
I'm surprised I've made it this far into the day without one..

Skye Winter
09-09-13, 15:52
Any advice?! I can't seem to bring myself to stop!
I don't smoke that much but I do get the urge to (Especially when I drink alcohol!) or when I'm particularly stressed out.

I wish I could quit completely but I just find myself sparking up before I realise what I'm doing haha. By the time I realise I'm smoking again I'm halfway down the cigarette :P

09-09-13, 17:10
I smoke when I'm really stressed out so I think that's why I'm finding it hard not smoking and it's making me feel really moody lol I know I'm doing the right thing by quitting for my longterm health but I can't help wonder is it a good idea to quit whilst suffering HA..y

17-09-13, 18:49
I smoke when I'm really stressed out so I think that's why I'm finding it hard not smoking and it's making me feel really moody lol I know I'm doing the right thing by quitting for my longterm health but I can't help wonder is it a good idea to quit whilst suffering HA..y
how you getting on dawnie im the same as you tried to quit lasted a day it makes me more anxious!