View Full Version : Do you ever wish you were 'normal'?

Skye Winter
09-09-13, 10:41
Hey you guys, :hugs:

I'm back again with another question that is plaguing my thoughts. I wanted to see if anybody else can relate to this, or if it's just me being silly.

Do you ever wish you were 'normal'? I can't stop feeling like I'm just.. weird? The way I feel and think seems so weird compared to everyone else. While everyone else would feel a pain and think "Oh it's just a cramp", I sit there thinking "OHMYGODCANCERI'MGONNADIEHELP!" or "I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK!?".. Why!? I wish I could be normal and rational like other people. Why have I gotta be plagued with these terrifying fears that I'm going to die? Where is my rational, logical thinking?

I've just had a cup of tea and because caffeine raises my heart rate I'm now convinced I'm gonna die. See what I mean?!?! I feel like I'm going insane.

So, do you ever feel like you wish you were 'normal'?
Or is it just me?
What are your views?

Oh, and an additional question if you have time to answer it:
How do you cope with your anxiety attacks when you feel them coming on? I'm really stuggling, I try breathing exercises (they help a little) and I try to take my mind off it but it just won't go away.

Thanks guys!

- Skye xx

09-09-13, 11:01
Hi Skye, I have felt like it loads! the whole I wanna be normal thing! but then what is "normal"? do the people who we assume to be normal..are the actually normal? or are they having other problems and they wanna be like us, normal?.
Life throws us a ball every day, we just need to keep practising catching it and pick it up everytime we drop it.

How long have you been abnormal?
Pete xx

Skye Winter
09-09-13, 11:16
Hi! Thanks for your reply!

I don't know what I class as normal! Just someone who seems to have an easier time dealing with stuff than we do! While I'm sitting there panicking about something, if it was them they'd have gotten over it a long time ago and just dealt with it! Instead I sit there convinced I'm going mad hahaha.

I like that ball metaphor. It's a nice way to think about the challenges that life throws, so thanks for sharing!

I've been suffering this for nearly 3 years. I had palpitations one night because of stress and because I didn't know what a palpitation was I thought I was having a heart attack. I called the NHS hotline and they TOLD ME I was having a heart attack and to go to hospital right away... Silly people have no idea what they've done to me by telling me that!! It was a false alarm, it was just stress and that was the night I had my first ever panic attack.

How long have you been in the crazy club? (Lol!)

- Skye xx

09-09-13, 11:27
To me, my way of thinking & my little episodes of HA are normal. I don't know anything different - I am the way I am. I do look at other people sometimes and think they are very 'matter of fact' about certain things but that's the way they are. Each individual has there own 'normal' so I don't think normality exists on any one level. Luckily, I've been HA free for a while now so I'm living with a new 'normal'. I'm still quite an anxious person at times but I deal with it.

I've been where you are and know how difficult it is but it will get better. I think we'll always be part of the crazy club though and I'm honored to be a member! Big hugs. xx

Skye Winter
09-09-13, 11:33
Thanks for your reply Meche.

Even I'm not sure what I meant by normal!
When I was in college I had a boyfriend who didn't know I suffered HA. When I finally gathered the courage to tell him, he looked at me like I was insane. Whenever I had a panic attack because of a symptom he'd tell me I was "being stupid" and that I needed to "sort myself out and stop acting retarded".

I think since then I've always kinda felt like I was abnormal.
Needless to say, I broke up with him!!! What a ******.

Huggles xx

09-09-13, 12:00
Thanks for your reply Meche.

Even I'm not sure what I meant by normal!
When I was in college I had a boyfriend who didn't know I suffered HA. When I finally gathered the courage to tell him, he looked at me like I was insane. Whenever I had a panic attack because of a symptom he'd tell me I was "being stupid" and that I needed to "sort myself out and stop acting retarded".

I think since then I've always kinda felt like I was abnormal.
Needless to say, I broke up with him!!! What a ******.

Huggles xx

Your college boyfriend sounds like he doesn't understand anything about anxiety.

But he was right about one thing. We all act "retarded" at times. :D

09-09-13, 12:14
I know this feeling too well, sometimes I actually envy my friends. That sounds terrible but I wish I could just brush off symptoms like they do

09-09-13, 12:55
What is Normal?

My thought on this is:

We're ALL whacked in some shape or form. The human race is as neurotic as they come!

To most of us, everyone else seems a bit whacked for the most part. It's when you're around those that are as whacked as you are that they seem "normal" ;)

09-09-13, 13:11
I feel the same way, I am so jealous of other people that can wake up in the morning ready to go and I'm in the bathroom taking my blood pressure to make sure I'm ok. My husband finds it amusing that when he comes to me with a health concern, I can be so rational and give him a perfectly good reason for his headache, stomach cramps, etc... but if it was me, I'd be dying and need to get to a doctor asap. sigh...

09-09-13, 13:19
Omg Amandala! Me too! If someone asks me about a health concern I'd give them a perfectly logical explanation but if I had the same symptom, it would be full blown panic at the disco lol. I wish we could take our own advice

09-09-13, 14:37
I have forgotten what 'normal' feels like. Everyday I think its my last. Would be nice to not worry about every little little twinge of pain x

09-09-13, 14:52
Oh dear if my old mother was still alive she would have told everyone I was never normal in the first place:)

I don't think I will ever be normal again and not sure I would want to be, as with now suffering from Anxiety related illnesses I seemed to have found a common link with others before hand I was always like my signature say "I used to be a major people pleasure" but now I have found a bunch of people that understand me and I hopefully understand them and we all help each other..

Normal sucks I think and then like someone said what's normal now a days

Skye Winter
09-09-13, 15:44
Thanks for your replies everyone!
Nice to know I'm not the only one in the crazy club! :winks:

I know there is so many differences in today's world that there really is no "normal".. per sé. I guess like Kerri said, it would be nice to not panic over every little symptom you get!

I'm so glad I found this website, it's so lovely to know that people understand the stuff I'm going through, and I'm so glad I can help others too :)

09-09-13, 23:38
I wish I was normal 😔😔no one else thinks about it! I think I have always had anxiety, since I was 7 or something, then it went away now it's back!

How do I cope? I don't cope I cry.

10-09-13, 17:32
Even though I have GAD and HA , I do not count myself as abnormal, a bit different maybe, but normal can mean a lot of different things and I don't think as human beings there is a certain pattern of behaviour that is considered appropriate for everyone.

10-09-13, 19:37
Every day I wish I had a different mind, a different brain. I hate being the way I am, and I struggle to make myself a better person or to try and be happy. I know it's not a good way to be, but if I'm honest this is how I genuinely feel about myself. Most days I wish I was someone else. I've just started seeing a therapist again, and I hope I can work through this and learn to be happy with myself.

anx mum
10-09-13, 20:40
OMG so wish I felt normal, with me I always think the worse and at the moment im so scared im gonna have a heart attack. The symptoms are real and scare me so much can understand how u feel.

Skye Winter
12-09-13, 12:48
OMG so wish I felt normal, with me I always think the worse and at the moment im so scared im gonna have a heart attack. The symptoms are real and scare me so much can understand how u feel.

It's depressing huh, feeling like you just don't have the same 'normal' logical thoughts as some other people. I always think the worst too, anx_mum. I'm also terrified of having a heart attack... :(
I'm always here if you need someone to chat to :)

- Skye xx