View Full Version : Scared of miscarriage

24-10-06, 11:43
Hi guys

Well I've just found out I'm pregnant and , far from being elated as I thought I'd be, I'm terrified of miscarrying.
I've had two miscarriages the last one in April, which I suffered complications - I haemmorrhaged (is that spelt right?) and was rushed to hospital.
As awful as it sounds, the risk to myself is worrying me more than anything. I've got three healthy children, but I'm terrified.

Do you think I should go to my GP? I know it sounds obvious, but surely there's nothing they could do any way?

24-10-06, 12:12
There is an EPU I could go to but as I've only just missed a period I thought that's TOO early, but you're right, I will certainly ask my GP.
Thanks for your support.
Have you had your baby?