View Full Version : Red mark on elbow

09-09-13, 11:27
Just above my elbow.

It's like a big red circle, where the crease is.

I showed my GP quickly and she said it looks like one of my normal lipomas I get (harmless fatty genetic lumps) but she was rushed for time so I couldn't tell her it was the redness that was bothering me.

I showed a nurse the other day and she said it was dry skin where I lean on it. The skin isn't dry though, it's just really red, looks almost like a bruise.

They would have seen if it was cancer or something, right?

Skye Winter
09-09-13, 11:41
The chances are if they were genuinely concerned about it, they would have referred you somewhere else for more checks. The fact that neither of them were concerned enough to do so shows that it's probably absolutely nothing!

Try and calm down, it's not cancer. I'm sure they would have picked up on it if it was.
See if it goes away on it's own.

Good luck, hope you feel better soon xx

09-09-13, 11:52
Try not to worry, not 1 but 2 fully trained healthcare professionals have looked at it. I'm sure they would've noticed if it was cancer :)